Chapter 2. Stitches

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It hadn't registered yet that this was the same unconscious man you'd found in the forest. He glared at you, narrow and pumped with adrenaline. Those once soft blue eyes you had the pleasure to see in the forest, now took on a different demeanor.

"Oh... You're awake." You said politely, disregarding the literal pistol pointed at your head. His expression only tightened into one of ample anger.

"Oi! I asked you a question." He grumbled, jolting the gun.

You put your hands up and played along, stepping towards the man, "Is that how you greet someone who just saved your life?"

He gritted his teeth.

"I already emptied the barrel." You continued, and placed your hands down by your sides—almost challenging him.

The man put down the gun but his eyes were just as threatening, "Why did you do this? Do you work for the government?" He said in a hurried rant.

"The governme-. I don't work for anyone, I found you unconscious in the woods on my way into town. I couldn't just leave you there... sir."

He clicked his tongue, "I find it hard to believe you people do things just out of the kindness of your hearts."

That's when you put the pieces together. His hostility towards you began to make sense.

"You're from Paradis... Aren't you..?" You said meekly.

He heaved a sigh, "I have to get back to my squad."

"Hey, just wait a minute. You really should let yourself rest-." You suggested as he stormed off into the bedroom with an overt limp.

"I'm fine." He said, coming back out with his harness in one hand and swords in the other. He started for the front door with a flimsy frame. His back slowly drooped, and within seconds—the man tipped over like a glass figurine falling from a shelf.

You scurried to his aid and placed a hand on his shoulder, "Are you alright Mister?"

"You don't have to be so formal." He scoffed.

"Then what's your name?"

"It's-." His words were interrupted by a violent fit of coughs. He covered his mouth with his hand, attempting to restrain himself.

When he moved his hand away for a moment, the two of you gawked at the little flecks of red on his fingers.

He was coughing up... blood.

"You sure you still want to leave? You're in pretty bad shape." You asked.

"Fine." The man muttered, "But that still doesn't mean I trust you." He added.

You rolled your eyes, "C'mon, you need to eat something, and I swear it's not poisoned."

-ˋˏ ༻✧༺ ˎˊ-

Sun light warmed the room as the two of you sat on opposite ends of the kitchen table, locked in silence. The rhythmic clink of utensils was the only audible sound. One of you would pass an occasional glance to the other before quickly focusing back on your food. You were both almost finished with breakfast when you decided to take a chance and speak up.

"So um... I never got your name." You said casually, or in an attempt to sound casual.

He looked up at you with tired eyes. You started to regret saying anything. Maybe he didn't feel like talking.

"It's Levi... Just Levi." He said in a deep bariton. It had just the right amount of rasp to it with a low richness. Levi... you repeated the name in your head. It was quite fitting for him somehow.

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