coincidence or not? (chapter ten)

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(couldnt find the art creds so if u see it please tell me) btw its not gay ok thats what homies do

he breaks the phone. 'we're moving'


'what?' i say as my eyes widen, 'I SAID WE'RE FUCKING MOVING' he yells. 'BUT I HAVE FRIENDS HERE! I CANT JUST LEAVE THEM' i say, 'THEY'RE ALL BAD INFLUENCES ON YOU! LOOK AT WHAT THEY DID TO YOU, YOU LIKE..BOYS!' he yelled back. i could feel my anger rising, blood boiling and my face turning red and then i said it. i blurted it out, knowing this wasn't going to change anything besides finally standing up for myself.

'SO WHAT IF I LIKE BOYS YOU BITCH? IM A FUCKING HUMAN BEING WHO HAS FEELING, YOU ACT LIKE I CAN CONTROL IT, NO, NO I FUCKING CANT!' i stormed off to my room and locked the door, but of course he had to ruin it. 'OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR TOYA, IM YOUR FATHER! LISTEN TO ME, I KNOW WHATS BEST FOR YOU' best for me? for me? no he doesnt. he doesnt know anything about me. 'ugh whatever, your useless to fix. just go to bed and start packing tomorrow' he says, i dont say anything.

2 months later

akito pov:

i fucked up big time. toya hadn't responded to my messages during the whole summer break, i already told an and kohane and apparently he didn't respond to them either.

flashback (day after yk what happened)

*akito made a group with an*

*akito added kohane*

an: whats this? why isnt toya on here

kohane: idk

akito: can you guys call?

an: ok......

kohane: sure? why though, did something happen?

akito: kinda ig

*akito called the group*

*an picked up*

*kohane picked up*

an: whats up? what happened

kohane: im not sure, akito what happened.

*akito explained*

kohane: dear lord...

akito: and he hasn't responded to my messages at all

an: ill try texting him

kohane: me too

akito: ok

1h later

an: ok i dont think hes ignoring us now, im worried

kohane: yeah something must've came up he usually responds even when hes mad

end  of flashback

we have school tomorrow since our two month break ended so ill try to talk to him at school, hopefully hes not absent or anything.

next day

i open my eyes to hear birds chirping and my clock ticking. school starts, i quickly get ready and head downstairs to have breakfast then i leave.

ena pov:

hes been like this for two months, he seems so...gloomy, he hasnt been getting any sleep and i can tell cause of the eyebags. i wonder what happened, toya hasn't came to out house this whole summer actually. maybe something happened between them? oh well, i'll never know unless i find out.

toya pov (already moved):

i am walking to the new school i was enrolled in, it feels weird, everything does. no friends, no old teachers, and all by myself. as i walked through the hall i heard murmurs coming from other students around me. once i had arrived to my classroom my new teacher said, 'students! stop being so noisy and calm down, we have a new person joining us today, his name is uh..toya aoyagi?' 'yeah' i responded. the class passed by and soon enough it was lunch time, i searched for an empty table and sat there to eat my lunch, once lunch was over i had to head to my next period so i pulled out a sheet and searched for the classroom. a few hours passed and school was over, kind of boring.

nothing ever ends well? || akitoya|| mini angstWhere stories live. Discover now