Ch 4: New rumors

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speaking = "example"

whispering = "example"

thoughts = "example"

screaming = "example"

-----First Person-----

The next morning came quickly. I was able to get a few more hours of sleep after I cleaned up the mess. I buried the four bodies nearby and marked their graves with an improvised wooden cross. Nobody deserves to be left to rot. 

I looted a few useful things. Mainly money, a few gold and silver coins but mainly copper. The most importing thing however was a map. It wasn't big one by any means but it had a few villages marked on it. They were not as far from here as I assumed.

So I went to the storage to gather the needed supplies. I stopped as I walked past the box with the empty bullet cases from last night. Something looked off about them. I picked one up and held it up to my right eye. They have turned slightly transparent but barely noticeable.

(Y/N): "What the-? ... It is probably the lack of sleep. Let's me see things."

I put the bullet case to the others and continued on my way. When I entered the storage I gathered the supplies and put them in a backpack. While doing this I went through a mental list of necessary items.

(Y/N): "Rations? Check. Map? Check. Ammo? Check. Tent? Check."

With my checklist complete I grabbed my weapons and went outside. Like the first time I hid my P08 in my jacket. But this time I took my rifle with me. It was currently stowed in my backpack. With preparations complete I made my back to the crossroad.

Time skip

I arrived at the familiar crossroad and took out the map. I looked at it for a bit before I was sure where I was. If the map is correct the path opposite to me led the fastest to a village. With a deep breath I began walking along the cobblestone path to finally find some civilized people.

It could have been only ten minutes that walked down this road but I heard a clacking sound behind me. It sounded exactly like a horse walking on cobblestone. I turned around and immediately saw not only a horse but an empty supply carriage coming into my direction. 

(Y/N): "Maybe I can use this to hook a ride to the next village."

Before I could think of anything else the carriage drove up next to me and stopped. I looked and saw the driver looking down at me. He was a middle aged man. His cloths looked like that of a merchant from a couple of hundreds of years ago. His face couldn't be more average with a beard beginning to grow. He had messy black hair that was mostly covered by his hat. 

Merchant: "Hello, stranger. Tell me what is a traveler still doing on this streets at this time of the day?"

(Y/N): "Is there a problem with this?"

Merchant: "No, not at all. It's just that the streets have became a bit dangerous, especially around here."

(Y/N): "He must be referring to the bandits I killed last night. I think I can manage a few thieves."

Merchant: "Oh, I very much believe you good sir. But it would be best to don't test your luck. How about that, you hop on and I will take you to the next village."

The flying Fortress (Imperial German Male reader x Feh) (on HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now