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As It Goes

Bianca had officially been on the Island for a full week. A week spent tracking down her so called old friend.
Battling sketchy bugs in her motel room.
And traveling around the Island in search of a job.

She'd lied to Barry about his money. Having only brought him ten, while she kept two thousand for herself...
Living cost money anyway.

Plus, she planned on making more as soon as possible. What Bianca hadn't counted on, was the snobby rich people.
She'd only been gone four years, and had forgotten just how judgmental Kooks were. It didn't help that most jobs on the Island were Kook owned & operated...

She had presented herself in a white sun dress. Pulling her hair up into a claw clip. Attempting to show herself as somewhat professional.
She'd had plenty of jobs back on the mainland. Mostly waitressing & hostess gigs.
But these Island snobs were something else.

Bianca puffed her cheeks, as she approached the front doors of the infamous Island club. In all her years of growing up local, she'd never been inside herself. Only ever admiring the building from afar.
But as she stood before it now, intimidation crept over her shoulders.

She only had two more stops, here, and the Marina.
Bianca only hoped she wouldn't have to make the trip to the docks...

Bianca was greeted by the cool nip of the air conditioning. A crisp contrast to the sticky weather outside.
Upon entering the building, she could hear muffled chattering from just around the corner. Leading her to believe that's where the dining room waited.
Where she was scheduled to meet with the waiting staff manager.

Her white, platform sandals clunked against the tiled floor as she walked. Their hefty noise alerting a few patrons that sat idly by.
Unbeknownst to the girl, multiple sets of eyes began tracking her through the dining room.

Sat at the end of the bar, was a middle aged man. Wearing the standard pale club uniform. Leaving Bianca to assume that's who she was meant to be meeting.

"Mr. Chase?" She spoke up, once close enough.

The brunette man jumped to attention at the soft voice. His eyes widening once they landed onto the girls figure. Not quite expecting what stood before him.

"I'm assuming you're Bianca?" He questioned. Using his pointer finger to push his glasses up the bridge of his nose.

"Yes sir, here's my references." She jumped straight to the point. Having already wasted a few hours that day making useless conversation with potential employers... or rather, employers that'd taken one look at her & decided she wouldn't work out.

Mr. Chase blinked sharply, giving a quaint nod before taking the papers from the girl. Bianca hadn't missed his eyes darting over her bare arms as he did so.

She shuffled a step back, her hands clasping behind her. Patiently waiting for him to finish flipping through her papers.

"My, you've had plenty of service experience." He uttered, flipping to the last page.

"Yes sir, all while attending College. I'm very serious about my time management." She added in. Knowing fully well her resume was spotless. With written references from multiple employers who'd adored her.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2023 ⏰

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