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Quiet consumed the Raven haired girl, as she cut the engine of her rental car. It wasn't a cheap investment on her part. But it beat having to trail the Island on her childhood bicycle.
The pink, frilly bike that'd taken her to & from school for roughly nine years of her adolescence...

Her hands slid from the sleek, leather steering wheel. Slapping against her bare thighs, as she huffed a sigh. Emerald eyes caught in a staring match with the extravagant home before her.

Tanny Hill
Only the biggest property on Kildare Island. It stood three stories tall, with large, marble beams to support the front.
It seemed to glare right back, as if it were mocking her.

She'd never been inside the plantation home, herself. Hell, the last she'd heard of the property, it was sitting pretty on the market. The only real investor rumored with interest, had been the Cameron's.
But, she'd hopped Island for the mainland before any real sale had taken place.

That'd been years ago...

Four years, to be exact.
Four years spent exhausting herself away at College. For a degree she couldn't even utilize now. But, it'd been four years distant from her Mother.
And that had been good enough for her.

Staring up to the mansionesque home, it looked to shimmer in the mid-day sun. The droopy willow trees dancing in the breeze before it.
Only causing the girls nerves to heighten, as she popped her door open. Allowing the coastal, Autumn air to caress her skin.

She wasn't even sure who owned the property now?
Having arrived back to the Island yesterday. The green eyed girl only knew what she'd seen on tv, and heard through the grapevine upon arrival.

Elaborate stories of theft, murder, and missing kids that miraculously turned up.

Leading back to the hateful home before her.
Her feet now carrying her towards the front, where a sun room waited.
A sun room that used to belong to Ward Cameron. But he apparently killed himself sometime over the last few months. With his whole family jumping the Island. His eldest daughter being one of the miracle teenagers that'd shown back up mere days ago...

With Ward Cameron dead, and his illusive wife awol. The girl could only imagine it was his daughter that held current residence of the home?
Which only boosted her confusion.

Pausing before one of the many glass doors leading into the sun room.
She hesitated.
Pulling her bottom lip between her teeth. She stared into the home. Only able to make out the foyer, and extravagant spiral staircase.

Taking one last glance over her shoulder. Eying the multiple vehicles that sat with her rental. None of which, seemed to match the description of the person she was searching for.

Turning back towards the home, she reached up, tucking her platinum money pieces behind her ears. Lips pursing, as she bobbed from heel to heel.
Her gaze falling to her worn down sneakers.
Attempting to mentally hype herself up.

But her sudden distracted state, caused her to miss the figure passing through the Foyer.

A girl, with similar dark hair, although shorter in length. Possibly just a smidge taller than the one waiting out front. She'd been making her way back outside. Where she'd left the boys by the pool.

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