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6 Years ago

Her teeth dug into her bottom lip, as she coward behind the arm of the living room sofa. Tears streaming down her features, as more clamoring could be heard from the kitchen.

Margret Harris was on a rampage. Her irritability heightening every time her fix would wear off. The older woman had been struggling with substance abuse for nearly two years. Ever since her husband, the backbone of their family, had died.

Keith Harris worked down at the Marina, doing mechanics on boats. He was the best at his respective job. Up until his freak accident with a clients racing boat. Needless to say the man hadn't made it.

Leaving his wife to care for their only daughter. Who'd just turned sixteen a mere month ago.

"Bianca!" Margret growled, as she rounded the corner. Entering into the living room of the two bedroom home.
Instantly spotting her daughter crouched behind the sofa.

Bianca chewed her bottom lip, in order to keep herself from speaking. Her mother always thought she was talking back in these instances. It seemed better to keep quiet, and let the woman yell.
Even now, with the storm rumbling outside, Margret still overpowered it.

The woman scoffed, shaking her head.
"Again with the tears? After everything I've done for you? Grow the fuck up, you ungrateful shit!"

Bianca flinched in her spot, as an empty beer can was flung from the coffee table. Her mother bringing her fingers to pinch the bridge of her nose after striking it.
A deep sigh leaving the woman.

"You never do anything around here, Bia. It's damn time you start making yourself useful... Don't you think?" Margret snipped. Her dark eyes falling to her weeping daughter.

Thunder rumbled overhead, causing the antique lamp shade to rattle beside the couch. Drawing the woman's attention briefly. A sly smirk, slowly pulling itself across her features.

"And I got the perfect job for you sweetheart." Margret laughed. But the action lacked any amusement. If anything it sounded more like a threat to the young girl.

Bianca watched as her mother took a single step forwards. Holding her hand out before her, she began bending her pointer finger in a 'come' motion.
"Get up."

Bianca remained crouched, her teeth digging ridges into her skin.

"Damnit, come here girl if you know what's good for you!" Margret snapped. Making an advance towards her daughter. Fully prepared to pull her from her spot.

But before the woman could reach her. Bianca had jumped to her feet. Darting around the living room, leaving the coffee table between them.

"That's what I thought. Now listen to what I'm tellin' you. This shouldn't be to hard for you to comprehend. You've been taking yourself to school & managing that on your own... you know where Cherry Road is?"

Bianca begrudgingly nodded, already having an idea of where her mother was headed with her statement.
...and she was terrified.

"Down that gravel road is a mailbox. The only black one on the street. Do you understand?"

Bianca nodded once more.

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