Chapter 3

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It's been a few days since we've been pushed into this room by that "Top hat Psycho". Since then, I've been looking at this hard drive to get any more information apart from the ones we already know.
Luckily I still remember some terms that are common knowledge even after getting my memories wiped and experiencing something for the first time is closer to me recalling unless it's actually new information. So it helped me differentiate what was normal before and what is not.

There's nothing worthwhile to know here as most of the knowledge contained here is stuff we mostly know already. One important thing to note is an event called the manifestation which was when abilities referred to by SRS as Talents. now referred to as a Stigma.

And soon after Monsters also started appearing. Monsters with animal-like characteristics, engulfed in flames, spit boiling hot water, Creating winds strong enough to uproot trees. Humanoid monsters that use tools and even communicate with us although rare. All sorts of new information flooded my head as I try to make sense of it all while going through the drive.

I had a talk with the others for their opinion. but they didn't seem at all too bothered by anything for some reason.

"Hmm, I mean so long as there is good food I don't mind?" William, says nonchalantly

"Ugh! Does it matter?" Alice said, she seemed irritated so I didn't bother her any more than this.

"... So long as the pay is good". Reinhardt said. The intimidating old man didn't say anything else afterward, seems like the quiet type.

I asked them if they were working to get their memories back like I was since I was curious.

"Well I guess that would be nice wouldn't it?!?"

"..." Alice didn't answer the question. I wonder why?

Reinhardt meanwhile let out a low grumble like he was thinking whether to answer or not until eventually. "Never really thought about it" Reinhardt just seemed deadset on earning money I guess.
The Next day...

The man who called himself Count Down, Who I will now refer to as Count. finally came back after keeping us trapped in a small building, While the stay wasn't bad, I just hoped for better food while we were there. not that I know or even remember what good food is. He led us outside and we finally see District 1: Verdant Fields.

We got out of the building, and I looked around seeing a land covered in grass, it was warm unlike the slightly cool rooms in the building, the trees swayed and rustled from the wind that brushes my skin. the smell which I assumed was coming from the plants was pleasant as I took a deep breath. since I don't remember anything apart from that one day, experiencing anything made me ever so slightly happy.
but my time enjoying the scenery was cut short when Count, called for us to follow him. going through narrow paths around the mountain, through a bridge that helped us cross a river that led to a waterfall. we stopped at a cliff around the halfway point of the mountain.

"Be careful not to fall, I wouldn't what the team I am personally training to perish now wouldn't I?" Count said mockingly. I'll meet you at the training area at the foot of the mountain. He paused and they put their hand on their chin before giving a mischievous grin.

"Let's make this more fun!"

He pointed to the direction ahead and said.

"Last to the foot of the mountain, doesn't get to eat dinner tonight. whoever doesn't reach the finish line within 20 minutes loses!" After proclaiming absurd conditions he suddenly disappears leaving behind a phrase written on the ground with a stick in an instant. the stick that was used was left standing upright which then fell to the ground shortly after.

[I wish you luck!] was written with his face drawn like a cartoon character with its thumbs up.

"..." I was silent wondering how normal people without equipment were supposed to get down here safely with only 20 minutes of time.

"So it's like that huh?" William said and laughed. Lowering his body and got into a peculiar position, and kicked off with the leg that was bent. running at speeds I didn't think were possible until now.

Alice clicked her tongue and held up her hands with her palm pointed at the ground, which summoned a mirror that fit her body, which she hopped on while gripping firmly as it flew at a decent speed.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing. But I couldn't stay Idle as I ran after them, leaving Reinhardt behind. After running for only a short while, I started feeling tired and was gasping for air. I looked back and see Reinhardt lowering his pose, his legs were spread and his arms lowered, soon after lifting his arms, suddenly the ground he was standing on grew out and launched him in the air. quickly overtaking me.

AGH! These guys are crazy!

I tried keeping up with them with my limited physical ability but soon had to lie down. As my legs were starting to give out as they throbbed with pain and trembled when I tried standing up.
"These *huff* people are- Insane!- Hah!"

I gave up and just walked all the way back, and saw multiple pillars of dirt, protruding from the ground. Trees with trunks cut up, some even uprooted. I see traces of shards of glass stuck on some of the dirt pillars.
I didn't bother trying to understand any of it anymore as I was too tired. but when I reached the foot of the mountain I find everyone. lying on the ground unconscious.

"Oh, you're here. Sorry, they got a bit rowdy and I had to stop them fufu!"

The fact that you were able to stop them scares me the most. It seems this guy is probably stronger than all of us here together
"I was only kidding when I said no dinner, but I didn't really think they would kill each other for it! They weren't even in last HAHA!"

"You aren't really acting like someone in charge right now."

"Anyway now to more important things. Will you be the captain of this team?"

"What?!" Everyone said in unison and quickly stood up from the ground.

As they were about to complain the usually cheerful and annoying man, suddenly look at them with an intimidating face. as his stopwatch like Iris shone as the line that resembled a watch's hand moved clockwise freezing them in place. There was a long silent pause before finally, Count continued.

"Out of everyone here, you were the only one who bothered to talk to anyone else, Look for information, plus since you saw everyone's Talent in full display earlier, you of all people should have the most ways of applying it in different situations."

"I will be hearing no complaints from here on. so treat your new leader well. Of course, if he is not fitting I will remove him from his position!" he said and gave a face that shook me to my core as if telling me I will be thrown away if I'm useless.

"Okii~! that's all see you guys tomorrow! you can stay here or you can go back? I don't know your choice. ok bye!" Count left after talking like someone trying to be cute. While it made me uncomfortable it was better than the unsettling feeling he gave me when he looked at me.

I looked at the others who were unconscious on the ground.

Now... What do I do with them?

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