Chapter 2

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I wake up in a daze, the Tiled floors feel like they're moving, and my head feels like it's about to split open.

I try to balance myself using my arms to support my torso and stand up from the floor, sweat drips from my forehead while I look around the room for anything I can recognize.

The room itself is empty with only a single metal door missing a knob, I walk toward it anyway slowly attempting to prevent belching out the cereal I had this morning.

Thinking about it made me more nauseous so I wiped the thought of it happening from my mind. I finally reached the door and, as I thought it was locked tight.

I carefully kneeled down so I could lean toward the cold metal door. I huffed and puffed air as a way to somehow calm down the throbbing pain in my head.

My whole body felt stiff, and it was hot enough that if someone were to touch me, they might even flinch from the heat. Eventually, for what felt like hours I finally calmed down and the throbbing in my head had passed, although the stiffness from my body still compared to the hardness of a rock, I can tolerate it enough to at least walk around the room.

I noticed that a red light was above the door, I assume this will turn green and open the door at some point like in the movies I used to watch where the main character is stuck in a room, but I can't hope for a scenario like that to happen so I try looking for my own way out.

I notice after stepping on the tiles that one of them is loose, and that it's light enough to lift without much effort, almost like it was intended to be found like this.

The metal door behind me released a loud beeping sound and alerted me that something, sure enough, the light had turned green, and the door could now be opened.

Setting that fact aside, inside the tiles had an ID with my Picture but that's not even the strangest part. The part where my name is supposed to be is different.

"[Lucas] That's clearly wrong-! my name is... it's..." I muttered under my breath. I know it's the wrong name but, how? I can clearly tell it's not my name but somehow I can't recall.

I hit my head in an attempt to remember my name, but nothing in my mind surfaced, not even an idea of what it could be.

I put my hand onto my mouth in disbelief as even memories from before yesterday began are now gone.

"Damn, what the hell is happening?!?" I noticed that there was another card under the fake ID. I read what was written on the black card [CODENAME: COUNSELOR]

"Codename?" Whatever this was it seemed important, so I kept it with me inside my pockets. Going through the metal door in the end I am met with a large room and several other people who seem just as confused as I was upon arrival.

I scanned the room for anything significant, I couldn't really see anything worth mentioning apart from a giant digital clock counting down from three minutes. I don't want to find out what it does after it reaches zero, so I talked to the other people currently present for any information I could possibly get.

Looking around and observing the other people while most of them were anxious, one person did stand out from the crowd of Panicking people.

He had long black hair with red undertones, he has an average build and tan skin. He wore clothes typically seen in a hot climate like loose clothes.

I approached him in a friendly manner waving my hand and asking for his name. He paused slightly before answering my question "Emm, if you're like me then you probably don't remember your name either" He explained as he scratched His head.

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