Chapter 43!!!

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"mindy why are you running" chad asks confused as he sees his sister sprinting down the hall "sorry can't talk" she shouts running past him "what the fuck" chad says confused "shes going to ask anika out" sam says walking into the living room with a beer in her hand "finally and how do you know" he says as sam lays on the couch "i know everything chad" sam says putting her feet on his lap and chad nods

Mindys povvv

I continue to run down the hall and i get to our room and i knock on "hey anika can i come in" i say out of breath "uh yeah" anika says confused

Mindy walks into the bedroom out of breath "why did u knock u never knock are you okay? And why are you so out of breath" anika asks confused "i need to talk to you" i say nervously

Anika povvv

Oh god

"sure what about" anika says patting a space on the bed

"ok but you gotta promise that ot won't ruin are friendsship because you my best friend and i don't want to lose you because who would want to lose you your amazing" mindy says rambling on and on and

Im so confused

No one povv

"but anyway that doesn't matter" mindy says "what are you trying to say?" anika ask confused "what I'm trying to say is i love you like love love you more then a friend, i don't want to be your friend anymore because I love you anika and its ok if you don't like me back but i just Gotta get tell you because if i don't im going to regret it and-" anika cuts her of by kissing" i like you too" anika says smiling "you do" mindy asks "yes yes i do"

"so-" mindy start to talk but there a knock on the door

"anika ethan wants you" wes says "ugh for god sake why did he not just get me and open the door wes" anika says a little bit annoyed "i don't know but he said its important" wes says "ugh ill go talk to him now" anika says and wes nods then leaves "ugh" anika says laying on her back "we'll finish this later" anika says winking as she walk out the door



So u guys dating now?

Mindy:no wes interrupted it cause ethan wanted anika

Quinn:so why did ethan not get her?

Mindy:idk but I've gotta go

Quinn:to scream into you pillow?

Mindy:pffff nooooo



Back with sam and chad as the same time as mindy/anika talking

"you ok?" sam asks to the young boy whos sitting there quietly "mhm yeah" he says staring into space "your thinking about something" sam says staring at him "i think im gay but i don't know ive never really like a bky before but theres ethan and ive never felt so like in love sorta but i really don't know what to do because its all so confusing" chad says really fast

sam sits up next to him "oh right okay so i understand, i thought i was straight until i met max and it was all so confused but i got there and you will to you just gotta follow your heart and you'll figure it out it might not be easy but you will and if you need any help with relationships advice then come to me im a master at all that stuff " sam says smirking" don't know about that last part but thanks sam"chad says and sam slaps him around the back of the head "rude much but its alright kid anytime and ill be there" sam says amd gives him a hug

With anika and ethan

"what" anika says bargaining into ethana and chads room "what do u want for your birthday" ethan says laying on his bed "its not for like 2 weeks?" anika says confused "and this is what you draged me into mindy and me just kissed and you ruined it" anika says jumping next to ethan "Wait you kissed mindy" ethan says sitting up "yeah she came into are room and then she ramble on about how she likes me so i kissed her and she was going to say something but we came and said you wanted me" anika explained "go on" ethan says giving anika a high five


Next day so now there leaving



Mindy:fuck off


Liv:im up
Quinn isn't tho

Mindy:or anika

Ethan:lazy bitches

Anika:this is why i hate u


Quinn:im up

JJ:me n wes are up


Jill:me and ginny are up

Tara:im up and im waking Amber up rn

Ella:so its just sam max and anika

Mindy:im waking anika up now

Tara:sam is literally the reason were waking up so early and shes not even up😒

Anika:fr its so annoying🙄

Max:im up.

JJ:hey lazy


Chad:is sam uppp


Her bad spelling is back

Sam:i jyst woke up ok




But anygays igtgt i need to get dressed

Ella:sameeeee byeee

Max:yeah same byee


Sorry ita short im meant to be in bed rn cause im going out tm and im up at like 8 probably but I'll probably post omw to the walkk so yeahhh

Alsooooo i need some ideas😭


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