Chapter 14

469 8 15

         The gays + adults 🤭

Amber:guys can i go to prison for shoplifting, and swearing at a kid and then put him in the fridge at the shop??

Tara: babe wtf did do

Amber: hey it wasn't just me

Liv: who tf was it

Amber: sam, max, JJ, wes.

Sidney: okay so 1 yes you can and two what did you all steal and why did you swear at a kid and put him in the fridge??

Wes: okay so what happened was i stole a lollipop 😋 max stole a doctor pepper, some sweets and a book, jj stole 2 skateboards for him and sam um and alcohol and sam stole cigarettes and popcorn

Sam: snitch your nit meant ti tell them


Sam: stfu

Mindy: what popcorn?


mindy: damn sorry🙁

Wes: and jj told a kid to khs and to fuck off

Sidney: bro 😭

Wes: max put a kid in a fridge cause he took the last dc pepper

Chad: no surprise there

Wes: and me and sam were watching
Well sam was laughing so she was no help 😒

Sam: um it was really funny

Tara: aren't you meant to be the mature one 🤨

Sam: no max amd jj are older then me so 🤷🏻‍♀️

Stu: i love these kids

Wes: aw thanks mr macher

Stu: stu is fine you make me seem old

JJ: cause you are old

Stu: you better watch out



Tara: rest in peace JJ


billy: stu stop hes a kid

Stu: anything for you bbg😍🤭😍🤭😍🤭😍🤭😍

Sam: brb ima go kms real quick

Amber: good


Amber added sam
Amber added max
Amber added wes
Amber added mindy
Amber added liv
Amber added JJ

Mindy: nah you guys need to stop making so many group chats


Amber: im taking tara on a date but idk what to do

JJ: take her to the movies

Liv: take her to the beach

Mindy: do a picnic

Sam: take her to the Pier and then take her for dinner then go to a drive in movie

Amber: Oooo thats a good idea

Sam: i know.

Wes: that actually sounds like a good date

Liv: fr

JJ: have you asked her to go on a date yet?

Amber: no not yet i needed ideas

Sam: go ask her then mupit

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