Chapter 17??

418 11 22

(obvs continues from last

"TELL ME THEN WHAT WERE YOU CAN SAM TALKING ABOUT IF YOU WERE EVEN WITH SAM" tara says also shouting "oh my god why don't you believe me" Amber asks lowering her voice "because i have loads of pictures Amber" tara says "well how sent them to you" Amber asks "idk some girl called mia" tara says "wait mia what was her last name" Amber asks

"idk like Johnson or something but that doesn't matter" tara says "fuck" Amber says "uh when i was younger about late 14 i dated this girl mia and it was going amazing and then some stuff happened so i broke up with her when i was 15 and then she moved but the other day she messaged me so thats why i was with sam" Amber explains "oh what “stuff” happened and what did she message you" tara asks "look thats beside the point but now do you believe me?" Amber asks "i don't know i need some time to think" tara says "what do you need to think about" Amber asks "us, this,just everything Amber we can't even trust each other anymore yk your not even tell me what “stuff” happened" tara says "so were braking up...?" Amber asks crying "were taking a break ok and if we were really made for each other then we will fimd a way back im sorry Amber" tara says crying and she closes the door "fuck" Amber says to her self crying


Amber: sam can you come get me please.

Sam: yeah sure what happened?

Amber: uh she broke up with me she said we need a break and if we are really made for each other then we will fins are way back to each other

Sam: oh shit im sorry Amber me, max, jj, and wes are on are way now

Amber: thanks amd can you bring spear clothes mine are all wet

Sam:yeah yeah ill bring some

Amber: thanks.

Sam: your welcome


(they have picked Amber up amd there on the way home and Amber hasn't said anything)

"so what happened, what did you tell her" sam asks "uh it was to do with yesterday sorta so I'll tell you late" Amber says quietly and sam nods

(with tara from when she closed the door)

"shit fuck why would i do that" tara whispers to her self crying and then she walks into her bedroom to see mindy and liv talking "hey what happened" liv asks "im so stupid" tara says crying even harder "hey hey what happened" mindy asks getting up and hugs tara "i broke up with her" tara says stuttering "why did you break up with her" liv ask "i don't i don't know i love her so much liv what do i do" tara says really fast

"waht happened what was said" mindy asks

(tara explains what happened)

"i should have believed her i was being stupid and-" tara says really fast "okay so maybe it was a bit stupid but you love her and she loves you she sounded like she was telling the truth so give her a bit of time then go talk to her okay i think you both need time" liv says "i messed up liv" tara says crying

(the group with out tara and Amber)

           Group - tamber

Sam: hows tara doing?

Liv: not good she regrets breaking up with her and shes finally just got to sleep

Mindy: hows Amber

Sam: not good shes been crying since we picked her up but she's just fell asleep aswell

Liv: im still not over the fact that they have broke up

JJ: fr ive not been here long but you can tell they love each other


Mindy: yeah shes going to talk to Amber tomorrow i think

Sam: hopefully they get back together soon they can't live without each other


Chad:i still don't know what happened guys??

Sam: oh yeah sorry
They broke up obvs cause taras not sure if ahe believes Amber but Amber is tell the truth and some of the pictures aren't fake but there from ages ago but i can't tell you anything else cause its not my place

Chad: oh alright

Max: if they don't get back together then love isn't really istg

Mindy: agreed

Wes: they were such an iconic couple aswell :/

Liv: exactly they have been dating for like a year now


JJ: help whats wrong you never text like that??

Max: cause shes now texting finn

Mindy: Ooooooo

Sam: shut up

Max: nerd




Chad: you guys are like a bunch of children istg

Mindy: fr but igtg aswell ima go tell the adults what happened

Liv: good luck with that babe

Mindy:thanks lovee

Sam: just threw up in my own mouth

Liv: just cause your single😒

Sam: im not
Sam delete a chat

max: is this bitch being fr we all saw that idiot

Sam: huh saw what but by guys 👋👋👋👋👋👋

JJ: bye loser

OKAY IM SORRY FOR BREAKING THEM UP SO DONT KILL ME PLS they might get back together they might not 🤷🏻‍♀️

Also idk what i was doing with the end i didn't know what else to do 😭

But love you guys amd please don't kill me 😼


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