Grief and Vengence

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I clung to Apollo as we escaped the ship, but released him when he went back for Hermes.

My hands refused to leave my face. As gods we are not supposed to show weakness (except of the pants verity) but how could my tears even count as such?

I had just been through a torturous situation and watched a friend murdered. By her own husband.

There was no fear on her face as Hermes carved into her heart, his eyes cold and unrecognizing. I had reached out a second too late, as if to push her grab her.

Everything slowed down. The splash as the Amazonian fell into the water, the thunk as Alithia sunk to the floor.

But Hermes screams were what restarted time.

I barely noticed the ground when we reached Olympus. Apollo looked at me with a conflicted look on his face. Whether to stay or go. I told him to go. Hermes needed him.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. I look up to see Artemis.

"Are you alright?"

I scoff. "Ask Alithia."

I don't know why I'm so dismissive to her--I'm never dismissive or sarcastic or even pessimistic. Maybe because this hits double for me--you know my story. Getting murdered by the god you love because of another god's meddling.

Or maybe because Alithia was prepared for it. She said she k ew what she was getting into when she married a god.

And she was right, as always.

Alexia and Heron wandered over to us. None of them were seriously injured, but I felt that something was off.

Alexia carried her head high as usual, but her eyes were dark. Before either of them could say anything, two things happened.

1. Apollo arrived with Hermes.
2. Athena joined us.

The goddess took us in. My wounds, reminders of the tortures I faced with Alithia at Hera's hand. At Hermes, covered in blood, shaking as he collapsed out of Apollo's chariot.

He held his head, fingers pulling out his hair. His armband was still missing.

"You have lost Alithia then?" Athena asked.

Alexia turned to her to answer. "She saved me."

"I killed her." Hermes choked out.

Apollo had a hand on his shoulder and Artemis was helping him up, Heron hesitant at his side. He was new to the family. I was to tired and devastated to deal with any of them.

Because you know what? Alithia was dead, we had just been tortured and you know what? There was still a war with death coming.

This should be the end. Alithia is dead, now we should all get to mourn. But no, we need to go right back to planning, to fighting, to killing.

And Alithia is dead.

She has siblings, 12. She has parents. She has a kingdom. She had a life.

I start to march away from them, into the large temple that is Olympus.

"Hyci--" Apollo says gently from behind me. I don't turn around to face him.

"I need to be healed." Well that was stupid. He is the god of healing. "I need a break."

I need a break from a lot of people. Alithia would crack a joke I this.

I just can't find it in me.


He's hurt. He's hurting so much and I can't do anything and I can't heal him and he won't let me anyway--

I can't tell if I'm talking about Hermes or Hyacinthus when I realize its both.

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