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I don't understand the significance of the visit, at first, because Persephone always comes here. Her mother lives here after all. And despite that myth mortals tell, she can come here whenever she wants.

Though she rarely does.

Then it hits. The Queen of Hades is here on Mount Olympus. And we are at war with Hades.

"Is she armed? Does she have soldiers?" Apollo asked, his hand across my chest, as if prepared to push me out of the way of any incoming attacks.

Artemis shook her head. "She is alone but for two attendents. Adonis and Eurydice."

Adonis. The late lover of Aphrodite. Eurydice. The late wife of Apollo's son, Orpheus.

"Why is she here? No one from the underworld is allowed here!" I argue.

"Under her deal with Demeter." Artemis explained. "She is allowed here even during our war with the underworld."

With that we all headed to the center of Mount Olympus. There a gaggle of gods, plus Heron and his friends, stood around a short, petite woman.

She had long, curly, blonde hair that fell in waves. She wore a black toga, lined with teeth at the neck and edges, with the fur of an unknown beast wrapped around her neck.

At her side, pale glowing ghosts, both physically beautiful, for mortals.

I could hear Aphrodite wince at seeing her beloved Adonis with this Queen of Death.

Demeter, hair shining like corn and wrapped in green, stepped forward."

"Daughter." She said cautiously, though I could see the joy hidden in her voice. Despite everything, she was happy to see her daughter. "What brings you here?"

Persephone quirked an eyebrow. "Am I not always welcome here mother?"

Demeter's face broke into a smile. "Of course." She opened her arms wide to hug the queen of the dead, but at that moment, Hermes ran in.

He was out of breath, odd for him.

"I cou--Persephone!" Hermes bowed slightly, shooting a look to Apollo and Artemis.

"Though I must admit I hoped to see the heir to Zeus's power." Persephone continued, eyeing Heron.

"We have many children of Zeus here." Demeter replied.

Apollo and I shared a look. That was a jab, no matter how innocent it sounded.

"Yeah, I think she means Heron." Edios said.

Kofi smacked him on the back.

"Yes, Heron, son of Zeus and Electra. Wonderful woman, I assure you she rests peacefully in the underworld." Persephone would not smile.

"Really? Because right now no soul can be brought to the Underworld." Heron said, scowling at the mention of his beloved mother. "You know, because of the war your husband is threatening the entire order of life and death."

"Well, you gods of the living are the ones who deny the souls of the dead rest." Persephone reminded. "But that is not what we are here to talk about. I wish to speak of peace."

Hope thundered in my heart and it made my immortal blood boil to see the gods look at this as a trap or trick.

To be fair, I understood their hesitance and paranoia. But peace. A chance at peace was worth every step, even if it was a stumble.

Demeter was upset at their distrust as well, though more about it being directed at her daughter.

Personally, I think Demeter thinks her daughter is still her peppy little spring goddess.

She will not acknowledge Persephone brings the end of spring, how she smiles at the dead flowers that litter the ground as she leaves this world, the sigh of relief everytime she is out of her mother's sight.

Now all the gods of Mount Olympus sit around a large table, staring at her.

Looks of distrust, tenseness you could cut with a knife, and the impatient foot tapping of Hermes fill the room.

The messenger himself doesn't seem all that interested, and I wonder what news he has of Alithia. If she had been found, he would have said something.

He kept eyeing Heron and Athena, as if begging them to give him orders to attack whoever took her.

But we didn't even know who that was yet.

"Alright." Heron began, Alexia and Athena on either sides of him, Ethios and Kofi next to them. "What is this 'peace' you wish to speak of."

Persephone raised her eyebrows in amusement. "You say peace like a swear word. Peace offered by death is true peace."

"So that's what you're offering?" Ethios questioned. "Kill us all and let us be at peace as slaves for you and Hades?"

"No." Persephone shook her head lightly, as if he had simply asked her a out the weather. "I was simply stating the facts. As Heron is part mortal, he will learn true peace soon enough. If only all here could."

I couldn't help shivering. I knew what that 'peace' felt like. It wasn't bad really, but being alive was far more attractive.

"Well, we'd all like to live in peaceful times." Heron stared the Queen down.

Persephone sighed. "Yes but that doesn't stop people from killing each other, no interference of the gods needed. But to bring that peace closer to fruition, if possible, my husband has a simple request."

She gave a fanged grin. Apollo and I shared a look.

"All we ask for is that Hades, as the eldest of the children of Cronus and Rhea, take his place as ruler of Olympus."

Silence. Complete and utter silence. Evios, as he was wont to do, broke it. By laughing.

"You aren't serious. Are you? After all he's done? Everyone in this room will fight you to death and back."

"Well then. So be it." Persephone shrugged. "Because that is the only way peace will be achieved between the gods. If our demands are not meant, then there will be war. And death."


"And that was when Hera attacked." I smile at Alithia. "She made it look like an attack made by Persephone. I ran to make sure our weapons and relics--including the Cauldron--were safe. There Hera was stealing and then she decided to steal me. Simple grab and go."

I regret that last part. Alithia's 'grab and go' involved her men being slaughtered. As far as I know, no one died on Olympus when Here stole the cauldron.

"Interesting. She got there without anyone knowing." Alithia thoughlt aloud. "And you are sure the Queens were not working together."

"Sure of it, or she would have given her the Cauldron by now." I reply. "Though it does appear Hera had struck an alliance with the couple."

"Hopefully not with the Giants again. Can you believe she thought that would have worked before." Alithia scoffed. "Gods, think everything falls under their will."

"Well you heart certainly did."

I shiver despite myself as Hera's voice, sharp as her nails, which she's dragged through our skin deep enough the leave scars.

We can't look back at her woth how we are shackled, so we don't see her until she moves directly in front of use.

Her lavender ware and auburn hair stand stark against the black and bloody ship we are about to meet up with.

I can even see a Demon watching us from the Bird's Nest.

I'm so focused on her, that demon watching us like entertainment, I'm not seeing what Alithia is seeing. At first.

I've never seen that look on her face before. It isn't there long, but I see it. And I know Hera does.

Fear. Concern. Mourning a thing she is not sure of, scared to think, but still believes has happened.

Alithia now drags her eyes to Hera's, refusing to meet the spot they were just gazing out. But I look.

On her slender arm, the arm that no longer had a hand, rests Hermes' armband.

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