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Hades ordered me to come recruit this mortal.

I will not say mortals are weak or lesser, except compared to demons, but it did shock me there was one with a better strategic mind then either war gods.

Isn't it pathetic, after the war with Hera and the gods choosing sides, they come together so easily now.

How long do they think their inner truce will last. I'm surprised Aphrodite hasn't used her love potions on anyone or how I haven't seen Dionysus drunk.

Hades war...I don't care for it. Its pathetic. He was fine with his lot for the longest life sentence, suddenly he wants to control all the world.

But I guess I know pathetic. Used as a pawn by the gods since I was born, killed my own mother, then enslaved to one even in death.

I have had a long time to think about my lot in life and this is what I have concluded: was it ever my own?

That is why I serve Hades now. I want to br freed, given new life, so I can actually live.

But to live free, I have to slay all the gods first.

Best way to do that is to work under the god of the underworld.

I guess working with Thanatos would be better, but he refused. Death not discriminating and all that.

But fortune and luck certainly do. This strategist, Alithia, saved by the Goddess Athena and crowned a Princess.

That is all Hades would tell me about her, but from that I can assume she's like ever noble favored by the gods; all the nobles I hate.

She was there to meet us, me and my demons, when we reached palace.

I had sent a messenger ahead of me, so not to frighten them. Never had to worry about that before. Frightening is in my job discrimination.

The strategist was tall for a mortal, but also pale and gaunt, unhealthily so. She seemed vaguely familiar, but I couldn't figure out from where. She smiled as we came before her and her parents and their dozens of guards who could never protect them from us.

"Seraphim of the demons." She bows her head slightly. "Thank you for warning us of your invasion."

"I was clear in my message that we come to talk, and make alliance. Not invade. I can swear on the" hurts to say this, "honor of Hades."

She frowns. "Honor? Of a god? I thought you were smarter than that."

"And to think we'd make an alliance with demons?" Her adopted father, the king snarled.

"Interesting, the gods think we would make the same deal with them." Alithia says.

I turn around, shocked I didn't sense them coming.

There--my mortal brother, along with Athena and Hermes.

If Hera was here, she would hiss that Heron and Hermes were bastards.

All I see is enemies. But I have my orders. No fighting that risks the life--and mind--of the strategist.

Besides, I'm not afraid when the messenger of the gods flings himself at me. I work for Hades. I am neither alive nor dead.

I am surprised the strategist--Alithia--jumps in front of me.

Hermes's eyes, which had shown rage just a moment ago, softened---in an odd way. I can't describe it.

He stops right in front of me arms crossed as my Brother and the Goddess of war followed, along with Alexia. The Amazon is the only one I respect. Athena is a selfish god and my brother is a hypocrite. Only soldiers liker her have honor.

The Master StrategistWhere stories live. Discover now