Chapter 10: 5th Generation

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-Narrator's P.O.V.-

(A new chapter, and this time it's about the new generation named: Holofive...

This is getting interesting...

Let's see here...On the previous chapter, Motoaki Tanigo made the announcement of the arrival of Gen 5th...

Auditor gave order and kept the girls quiet as he selected those who have questions related to the new group of girls...

After the meeting, The A.A.H.W. immediately operate by making new rooms for Gen 5th as Auditor went to the ground floor to wait the girls with Sora and A-Chan...

Minutes passed by, A Black SUV stopped infront of the entrance while an agent hops off the car and open the doors for Aloe, Lamy, Nene, Polka and Botan...

It is time for Gen 5th to meet Hololive...)

-Hololive HQ-
-Day Time-
-3rd P.O.V.-

(As the screen turns on, it was shown A-Chan giving the tour to Gen 5th...

Sora and Auditor were at the end of the line as the latter was observing everything with his screens floating around him...

Botan was the first one to notice some agents carrying their sidearms on their hips or rifles on their backs)

Botan: "Are those real guns?"

Auditor: "The A.A.H.W. assures you five that we provide security and protection to thus who dares to harm the agency"

Aloe: "Ehhhh, are they your servants?"

Auditor: "Not servants, Agents." *looks at two grunts from cafeteria* "You two are needed to clean up the basement"

Grunt-1: "They have a basement?"

Auditor: "It's the one named: Horny Jail"

Grunt-2: "Got it sir, let's go dude"

(The two of then started heading to the basement, leaving the door open behind them...

Soon after, a Soldat with an Engineer were seen walking out of the door while carrying a metal pipe)

Auditor: "That pipe goes on the parking lot, an Agent reported me about having a rusted pipe over there"

Engineer: "Yessir."

Soldat: "Follow me"

(He then guides the engineer straight to the parking lot to fix the pipe...

The girls were surprised to see the A.A.H.W. being so organized and well-mannered)

Polka: "That's so cool! Can they serve us some foods and stuffs?!"

Auditor: "They're not servants, Omaru-san. They are well-trained agents and soldiers to prevent any kind of harness that could happen to you all."

Lamy: *giggles embarrassingly* "I-I'm really sorry about their behavior..."

A-Chan: "It's alright, we got used to this kind of manners"

The Madness Idol (Hololive Harem x Male Auditor Reader) (On-Hold)Where stories live. Discover now