Ch 11.

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My Pov:

The police knocked Colby's door down and came in and arrested Sam. Y/n was brought in for questioning and Colby had been brought to the hospital for his injuries. Y/n told the police everything. By the time she was done talking, they had enough evidence to put him behind bars for a very long time. Days later, the evidence they had against him had somehow came up missing and without evidence, there was no case. By this time, Colby had been sent home so he might've had something to do with it. Without evidence, there was no reason to keep Sam in jail so he was set free. Y/n and Colby still hung out but they kept their distance from Sam for a while. Well timeskip to about a year and that's where we are now. I wander what could've happened within a year?

Y/n's Pov:

Sam had told me to go put something pretty on. He was taking me on a date. Sam and I had started dating a few months ago after everything with the killings blew over and he promised me he wouldn't kill again as long as he had me. Plus I really liked Sam, he was sweet and caring and a complete goofball. I couldn't say no to someone like him. I listened to Colby's song "Skin" as I got ready. I put on an XPLR crop with a black skirt and fishnet tights. I put on a light coat of foundation, mascara, and lip gloss to add a natural look to my face. Oh and I was sure to put on a few extra details as well but we won't speak of them. I did a final check in my full body mirror and gave myself a thumbs up and a smile before I walked out of my apartment door. When I walked out, I was met with flowers and a smile from the tall blonde in front of me. I smiled looking up at him and accepting the flowers. I gave them a sniff before I put them in my apartment before we left. Good thing I hadn't locked the door. Anyways, we headed to the spot he planned for our date and it was nothing like I imagined. He took me to a mansion. The owner agreed to rent it to him for the day and all night as well for our date. The mansion was unlike any other I'd ever seen. On the outside, it looked so pretty. It had ancient Greek columns to hold up the various balconies it had. The windows were arched with some of the panes being blue and the others typical white but the thing that made them interesting was they were checkerboard pattern. The mansion also had a beautiful garden and a natural waterfall in the backyard. The inside was even more beautiful. The walls were painted light blue and the ceilings were made to look as if you were looking up at the sky. And right in the living room was a huge chandelier with real diamonds hanging from it. The bedrooms were even better. Beds that felt like the ocean, floors that were painted to look like the beach and ceilings that changed from day to night with the rise or fall of the sun. The bathrooms weren't really special other than the master bathroom which was a sauna, bath, shower, and hot tub all in one. Oh and did I mention the back had a pool that had been maintained quite well considering nobody's used it in a while except for when the owner had parties. Oh did I mention the owner didn't live here or use this mansion often? Weird right? Anyways we carried on with our date after the tour of the mansion. Sam blindfolded me and led me to the spot. "Okay you can open your eyes now." He said and took off the blindfold. The spot he picked was gorgeous. It was surrounded by beautiful purple roses, the tree was a Sakura tree and under it was a stone picnic table with a candle lit dinner on the top. "Well, what're you waiting for, go sit!" Sam exclaimed, "Okay okay I will." I said as I walked over to it to sit down. As I sat down and began eating I started to feel weird. "Are you okay?" Sam asked, "Yeah I just feel nauseous." I replied, "Oh that must be the poison." Sam said, "Yeah it's just the poi- wait, POISON?!" I screamed before I spat my food out. Soon I started to feel dizzy and I fell off of the bench and hit my head. The last thing I heard was Sam laughing psychotically before everything went black.

I woke up in a cold sweat. Thank God it was just a dream. I looked next to me to see a sleeping Colby. I smiled, he was so cute when he was asleep. After learning the truth about Sam and how he killed people I decided to keep my distance and so did Colby. However, this didn't stop the nightmares. Colby sat up with a groan, "Another nightmare babe?" he said, "Yeah.." I replied. Yes, you heard that right, Colby called me babe. Colby and I had started dating a couple months ago and as you might've guessed, Sam didn't take it well but he understood. I laid back down and Colby pulled me close to him. We tried to go back to sleep but neither of us could so we just laid there for a while. I tried to get up but Colby wouldn't let me. I eventually succumbed to his embrace. "Babe can we just skip work today?" Colby mumbled into my neck which sent a shiver down my spine, "I dunno, can we?" I said in a teasing like way. Next thing I know I was pinned to the bed and the next few hours would be some of the most exciting day of my life. 

A/n: Sorry I took my sweet ass time on this lmao. I know what you're all thinking but just wait, this story will turn back around. Love you guys and I can't wait for you to read the next chapter!

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