Ch 4.

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Y/n's Pov: 

I woke up to the bright sunlight coming from my window. I didn't really remember much from last night. I remember meeting Sam and Colby's friends and that girl Kat. I also remember getting a lil drunk and that's where my memory goes blank. I looked on my phone and saw I had like 10,000 notifications. "What the actual fuck?" I said out loud. I guess Sam and Colby following me everywhere gave me a lot of followers. I went and changed my settings so I only got the most important notifications. My followers had definitely went from 2k to 200k over night. I guess being friends with popular people caused me to be popular too. I also saw a bunch of comments on photos of me saying how pretty I was and some of Sam and Colby's followers were asking what our relations were but I ignored them for the time being. I finally got out of bed and did my morning routine and then I sat on the couch and turned on the tv. "Breaking news! The notorious serial killer has struck again. 22 year old Katrina Stuart was found dead just hours ago by her best friend. Witnesses say they saw nobody and that when she returned home last night she was fine. Her friend Sam Golbach even said she left his house hours before her murder. They still don't know what killed her but apparently the killer tried to make it look like a suicide. Please keep this girl and her family and friends in your prayers and remember keep your doors and windows and any other way for the killer to get in locked at all times. Coming up next is the weather." The tv people said and I turned it off like last time. I rushed out of my apartment and over to Sam's door. I knocked 3 times, "Sam it's Y/n, please answer." I said before I heard a click and the door opened to reveal Sam in tears and Colby comforting him. Sam moved over to let me in and then locked the door again. "Sam.." I started to say, "It was all my fault!" Sam yelled, "No it wasn't Sam. You know you letting her leave wasn't your fault." Colby said, placing his hand on Sam's back, "Yes it is my fault Colby! If I'd have never let her leave, if I'd have just had her stay over this wouldn't have happened." Sam said as more tears ran down his face. I walked up to Sam and embraced him into a hug, "Sam this was not your fault. You couldn't have known the killer was going after her." I said as Sam just cried on my shoulder. Colby and I got Sam to sit down and we both comforted him as best we could until he stopped crying. "Are you okay now?" I asked. Sam just nodded and clang onto me tightly. I gave him a small smile and ruffled his hair. I didn't even notice he wasn't wearing a shirt. He was in only the white ripped jeans from last night. He looked so hot even though everything that he just found out was breaking him. Sam eventually let go of me and hugged Colby. "It's okay Sam. Why don't we just do something to take our minds off of it?" Colby asked Sam who nodded, "Can Y/n come along?" Sam asked in a low sad voice. Colby nodded and Sam smiled a bit but it quickly turned back into a frown. "Where do you wanna go king?" Colby asked, "To the arcade." Sam responded. Colby nodded, "Well go get ready and me, you, and Y/n will go." Colby said. Sam nodded and let go of Colby to get ready. "Y/n how are you able to go today?" Colby asked, "Well, I'm off work today. They are shutting the store down for the day until they get their new clothes in and other stuff they ran out of." I said, "Oh okay, that makes sense." Colby replied. Sam came back out of his room wearing a black button up and a pair of dark skinny jeans. "Ready?" Colby asked. Sam nodded and we all headed out to the arcade. The ride there was silent. Sam sat in the back with me and let Colby drive for a change. He had his head in my lap while I played with his hair. It was so fluffy and blonde that I couldn't help but play with it. I think I almost put him to sleep but we arrived at the arcade before he had a chance to. "I'm paying." Colby said. Sam and I nodded and we all walked in. The owner saw Sam and gave him a knowing look being that Kat was his friend and he let us all have unlimited games for free today. "Die you clowns!" I screamed as me and Sam played the game where you knock over the clowns with red balls. "Die!" Sam yelled as he threw the balls really hard. "You okay over there?" Colby said as he walked over to us from the Ski-Ball game he was playing. Sam and I nodded, "We're just killing clowns." I said and Sam was smiling again. I was happy to see Sam smiling again and so was Colby. "Yeah we're just killing these stupid bastard clowns." Sam said as he threw another ball at one of the clowns. I grabbed Sam and we walked over to the Ski-Ball game. "I bet I can beat you." I said with a smirk, "No you can't." Sam said, "Bet try me." I said challenging him. Sam smirked and we both started going at the game. I rang the 5,000 point first try and he didn't get but 10 points. I was already winning but it was short lived because Sam wound up getting more points than I did. "Hah I won." Sam said smiling brightly, "You won by 10 points." I said, "Still, I won." Sam said smirking slightly, "Now I want a prize." he said, "What would you like then your majesty?"  I said, "Hm, I want a hot chick and a castle and love." He replied. I laughed, "Well I can't get you that but how about me, you, and Colby go get food?" I asked. Sam nodded and we found Colby and went to find somewhere to eat. We decided to go to the coffee shop down the street. On the way there, we passed some paparazzi and they wanted to ask Sam some questions but Colby and I kept them away. When we got there we ordered our coffees and our croissants and we sat down at a table close to one of the windows. Our table had a small plant on the end and a huge light hanging over us. "These croissants are bussin." Sam said, "Agreed." Colby answered, "Mhm." I said as I took a bite of mine. "So did you have fun at the arcade Sam?" I asked, "Yeah, it really took my mind off of the incident." Sam said before he took another bite of his croissant, "Yeah, today was really refreshing." I said as I took a sip from my coffee. Colby smiled at the both of us and for the rest of our coffee visit we just talked about what we wanted to do for the rest of the day. We decided to go back to Sam's place and watch movies. On the way there we ran into some fans of theirs asking questions but we quickly pushed through and went up to his apartment. Sam locked his door once we were all inside and we sat on the couch. "What do you guys wanna watch?" Sam asked, "Oh I know, let's watch a Disney movie!" Colby said, "Yeah let's watch (Fav/Disney/movie/name)." I said, "Okay we can watch that." Sam said as he sat next to me and Colby on the couch. He was in between me and Colby. He went to Disney+ and picked (F/D/m/n). 

-After the movie-

Sam fell asleep on my shoulder during the movie and Colby fell asleep on Sam's shoulder. I smiled, Sam was so cute while he was asleep. I gently nudged Sam to wake him up and he woke Colby up. Sam asked if Colby and I could stay the night at his place and we said we would. Sam said he had to go the bathroom real quick while me and Colby ordered food for dinner.

Sam's Pov:

I went to the bathroom to have a moment alone for a minute. "You did this didn't you?" I said, looking in the mirror, "What? Killed your girl? You didn't like her anyway." The voice said, "You're right but you didn't have to kill her." I told it, "Yes I did, she was attractive sure but she was snobby and jealous. She was in the way and we had to get rid of her." The voice said, "I hate you!" I shouted. That was when I heard a knock on the door and the voice shut up.

Y/n's Pov: 

I heard Sam shout so I went to see what was wrong. I knocked on the door, "Sam, you okay in there?" I asked, "Yeah I'm fine." Sam said from behind the door, "Okay I was just checking." I said as I walked away from the bathroom. I sat back down on the couch and waited for Sam to come back out so we could all eat. Sam eventually came out of the bathroom and him, Colby, and I ate our food. We had McDonalds for dinner and then we all watched movies for the rest of the night until we fell asleep.

A/n: Did you guys like this chapter? I'm going to try and update more but I'm not promising anything. Anyways I love you guys and I'll see you in the next chapter.

"In love with a killer." (SamGolbach x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now