3. Awake

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' Thought '

'Thought to Kurama '

'Kurama talking'


Mito POV:

I opened my eyes, expecting to see the afterlife but all I saw was a ceiling. I looked around and saw that I was laying on a couch in a living room  with some weird stuff around like a black box with buttons.

' I couldn't survive that, so... where am I? ' I thought back to when I got impaled by Obito's attack. I winced and place my hands on where I got impaled, expecting to find a hole but it was gone. It's like it was never there but I know that I died in Naruto's arms so how? Where?

A crash made me snap my head in its direction, ready to dodge an attack. Only to see a short orange haired boy with a shocked expression. What surprised me was that I couldn't sense his chakra.

"Y-your awake!" He stuttered a d quickly ran to my side, probably to see if I was bleeding anywhere. "Wait here, " he said and ran upstairs. A couple seconds later he came back with a woman and a little girl, who I'm assuming that they are his mother and sister.

"I'm assuming that you are the people who helped me." I said as I got off the couch, which seemed to have panicked them. "Thank you," I finished while bowing to them.

"Please dear don't bow, you should stay put. You could worsen your injuries." The mother said in a worried voice. "My name is Natsuki Hinata, this is my daughter Natsu," she says while pointing at her daughter,"and this is my son."

"Hi I'm Shoyo Hinata, I'm the one who found you," he said. My eyes widen when I saw my brother then I blinked only to see Shoyo. ' right I'm dead' I thought while softening my eyes and giving a small smile.

"Mito Uzumaki. Nice to meet you,"I said bluntly. "May I know where am I?"

"Your in Yukigaoka  " I heard a small voice, I looked down to see Natsu holding my leg. ' Yukigaoka? Where is at? Could it be when i died that I got placed somewhere else.' 'Kurama, where are we?....Kurama?' 'When you died, my father brought you here to protect this earth. He says that someone could attack, and the inhabitants aren't strong enough to defend themselves. So he sent you' 'So I have to protect this earth' 'Basically, yes'

"Honey, are you okay? You haven't been responding." Natsuki snapped me out of my conversation with Kurama.

"Yes, I'm alright,  thank you for your concern Miss. Natsuki," I responded.

"Ohh, alright dear, but do we need to call your parents to come and get you, or do you need a ride home,"she said.

"I have no where to go and my family has passed away, so I dont know where to go," I said bluntly. I didn't beat around the bush about my situation. I did hear to gasp which were from the children.

"Oh, I'm sorry for your loss,but would you like to stay here until you can go" she said with a sad expression. I'm guessing people here aren't as blunt, back home it's normal to lose a lot of people. So maybe I shouldn't talk to much.

"I would greatly appreciate that, thank you very much," I said bowing my head. "I'll be in your care,"

The whole family gave me bright smiles, just like my brother's. I gave a small smile in return, then Natsuki headed towards the kitchen.

"Is there anything that you would like to eat," Miss. Natsuki said.

"Anything, is fine," I answered.

Natsu and Shoyo came to my side after their mother left and kept asking questions.

"One at a time, please," I said a bit surprise on how fast they can talk.

"How did you get hurt?"

"Attacked," I said shortly.

"What's your favorite food?"


"Do play sports?"

"No, I don't have time." 'Spent my time training, so that I would be the strongest'

"Well since you will have time now maybe you could play volleyball with me," Shoyo said

"What's volleyball?" I said with a question mark on my head.

"Volleyball is-" he was cut off by Natsuki saying that the food is ready. They both helped me off the couch and walk to the dining table. When we sat down, Shoyo explained what volleyball was and the tournament he just lost, and I got to say it sounds fun.

"Sounds fun, I would love to play with you. I could help you improve your skills, so that you beat this King of the court guy." After I said that he gave me a big smile, I smile a little. ' He and Naruto would get along well.'

After eating, I found out that I would have to go to school, Karasuno, where Shoyo is going. During the next weeks I help Shoyo improve his speed, reflexes, stamina and spikes. After watching a couple videos I learned how to set so that I could help Shoyo, I got to say some people are really good at setting. The people I was the most impressed by were Atsumu Miya, Toru Oikawa and Tobio Kageyama. I  didn't need to learn recieving because I was used to stopping stronger attacks.

Now here I am standing in front on Karasuno, in a uniform that doesn't represent what I am. I'm not a shinobi,  I am a first year a Karasuno right now. I took a deep breath then stepped onto the schools ground.

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