opening up / chapter 22

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This chapter mentions blood and things like that! Please skip to the next chapter if you're not comfortable reading such things.


You wake up and get ready to go downstairs to make something to eat only to find kusuo cooking some eggs, wearing an apron. He turns his head to you
"Good morning"
He says while smiling softly
"Good morning, ku!!"
You sit down at the table and he gives you a plate with a egg on it and you both start eating.


I wash our dirty dishes and after that I sit back down at the table, across from Y/N. She looks like somethings upsetting her

'Is everything okay, Y/N?'
She snaps back to reality and looks at me smiling
"Oh yeah! Everything's just fine!"
'Are you sure?'


'Are you sure?'
As soon as he said that, you could feel a drop of water falling onto your hand. You look down at your hand and see tears dropping down from your face, onto your hands

You feel arms wrapping around you. You look up and see that kusuo is no longer in his seat. You turn your head to see kusuo hugging you from behind
'You know you can talk to me'
"It's just something from the past... nothing important"
'Apparently it is important. You're crying and I don't want you to be sad so please tell me what is bothering you.'

Suddenly you're on your bed, curled up in a ball and in kusuos hands.

"I-It's about my p-parents..."

'Are you ready to talk about it?'

You nod and try to calm down a little bit.

"I haven't seen either of my parents since I was  7 years old. My dad used to stuff dead animals as a hobby. He had a room full of stuffed animals. One time, he was in the room for a whole week, not coming out once. Once he went outside, he walked over to my mom and they had a argument. I went inside Kenny's room to avoid hearing them screaming. Once it  got quieter I went outside and went into the kitchen to get something to eat. My mom was in the living room, sitting on the couch crying and my dad was in another room... after that day things were a bit weird in the house. Mom and dad barely talked until one day something horrible happend..."

You start sobbing again. Thinking about the things that happend after

"Shhh everything's alright" kusuo comforted you

After calming down for a bit you continued
"That day.. everything turned to the worst.
I was just in Kenny's room, playing with him, when I suddenly heard screaming again. I stood up and went to the door to close it but this time it wasn't a usual argument my parents had. My mom was crying and walking backwards, as if she was scared of my dad.
My mom's crying and screaming only got worse as my dad came near her.


There she was, 7 year old Y/N, standing by the doorframe, watching as her father walked towards her mother, grabbing for something in his pocket.
He pulled out a small, sharp knife
"I'm doing this because I love you!! This way, we can be together forever!"
and stapped her into the stomach.
She fell down on her knees in betrayal
"Why..?" Was all the mother could say
"I did it because I love you, honey"
Y/Ns dad just stood there, watching as the dark red blood covered the white blouse.

Y/N was just standing there, trying to process what just happend.
After a few seconds she came running towards the lifeless body of her mother, trying to stop the blood from spreading. She tried covering the stab wound with her small hands but it didn't work. She tried to scoop the blood from the floor up and put it back inside trough the wound but It was too late already.

Her mother was dead.


you explained everything to kusuo, sobing

Kusuo hugs you, rubbing your back
"It's okay, it's okay"

You calmed down again and continued talking
"After that, he took the body of my dead mother and went back inside his working room, leaving me all by myself, covered in blood, crying...
Kenny was still in his room, not knowing what was happening. He was about 4 years old at the time and I don't think he remembers any of it now.

Hours pass and my dad finally leaves the room to make himself a coffee. I peeked trough the door to see what he was doing in his room, only to see the body of my mom and some needles and cotton on his desk. He went back inside, closing the door behind him. I took some cereals and went back inside Kenny's room. That was our dinner for the next few days.

A whole week passed and I couldn't handle it anymore. I needed to flee. I took a pack of cereals and ran out the front door, leaving Kenny and my father in the house. I was 7 at the time so I didn't know what to take with me. I dont know how long I ran that day.. I also went inside a bus and even slept inside there, not knowing where i was going. After I was on the bus for hours I woke up and exited it and walked around for a bit. I was in a completely different city. I spend the whole day walking around there, eating my pack of cereal. That night I feel asleep at the side of the road.

To my Suprise, the next day I woke up in a room full of beds. After a while I found out that I was in a adoption center. I spend a few weeks there but after a while I wanted to leave because I wanted to find my brother.

Two years and some months passed by and I was  10 years old. I had made a whole plan on how to live alone with my brother in a completely different city.

It was quite hard but after I was 12 and my brother was 9, we settled into a new house. It took a lot of convincing but I made my brother belive that we moved here for a complete diffrent reason. I still don't think he believes me but thankfully he didn't mention it again. I think he forgot about his messy childhood and I'm grateful for that"

You paused, taking a deep breath

"Not long after, i found out that my dad was placed in a mental hospital a year ago after the police found a stuffed woman in the front yard of a building 'watering the plants'. Everyone in the town knew what had happend but I don't think it reached any news out of town."


I just sat there, my hand on Y/Ns back, comforting her. That was a very traumatic childhood and I'm  glad that Y/N opended up to me about it.

Y/N was just sitting there, eyes looking lifeless as she started at the ground, remembering everything.

"Let's take a break. We can talk afterwards."

She smiled at me as if nothing had happend
"You should talk more often with your mouth! I really like it" she said in a happy tone

I Gave her a glass of water because she was really dehydrated from all the crying. She quickly drank the whole glass and placed it on the desk, next to her bed.

Suddenly she wrapped her hands around me
"Thank you"
I hugged her back
"No need to thank me"
"I've never told anyone this"
"I'm glad you opened up to someone"

There was some more hugging until Y/N calmed down completely.
"We need to pick up Kenny from his school on Monday, can you ask kusuke to bring us again?"
I nodded and hugged her head.

The rest of the day went by quickly and the only other thing we did was cuddle and talking a little bit more about the childhood of Y/N.

That night she fell asleep in my arms and I decided to sleep over. To not make my mom worried I send her a text message (I didn't talk telepathicly incase she was already sleeping)


Sorry for not posting much, I will now be posting more

-1422 words

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