cuddling/chapter 13

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You wake up and realize that it's Saturday.
You have nothing to do so you decide to just talk to saiki.

You: 'hellooo!! Are you up already???'

Saiki: 'I'm still in bed. I couldn't sleep last night'

You: 'Oh in sorry to hear that.. what was the reason?'

Saiki: 'I don't know...'

You: 'okay.. do you maybe want to meet up again later??'

Saiki: 'maybe... I still have some stuff to do'

You: 'What kind of stuff? Maybe I can help you'

Saiki: 'no no, it's privat kind of stuff'

You: 'Oh okay..  well then see you later, maybe..'

Saiki: 'Yep.. '

You don't know what you should do today since saiki doesn't have time for you. You don't really want to go out with someone else so you just decide to stay home, laying on your bed looking at your phone.


I went back to sleep and about 3 hours later my mom told me that I have to wake up now, even tho I was still tired. I stand up and get ready. I go downstairs and see that everyone already ate breakfast. I sit down and eat my breakfast.

Me: "Mom.. do you have time to talk?

Mom: "Sure! What is it honey?

Me: " do you remember the weird feeling I told you about not long ago?'

Mom: do you mean love? Yes, I remember that. What about it, honey?"

Me: "it got stronger the last week and I dont know what to do about it..."

Mom: "do you know who gives you those feelings?"

Me: "I get them around Y/N..."

Mom: "oh sweetheart! You're inlove with Y/N!"

Me: " I am...?"

Mom: "yes honey! Oh I'm so happy!"

Me:" what should I de now?"

Mom:" do you think Y/N is also inlove with you?"

Me:" I'm not sure..."

Mom: "either way, you have to tell her sweetie"

Me: "I'll think about it.. it's a lot to process"

I thanked my mom and went back upstairs.
I was just laying in my bed not knowing what to do. Should I tell it Y/N? When? Today? What if she doesn't like me back?

I came to the conclusion that I would just let time do its thing and see what happens.

It was afternoon and I decided that I should talk to Y/N.

Me: 'Y/N?'

Y/N: 'Yes?'

Me: 'do you want to do something?'

Y/N: 'I've been reading nonstop since this morning and now im tired. I want to take a quick nap'

Me: '...alone..?'

Y/N: 'I spilled orange juice on my hugging pillow this morning... can you be my pillow?'

Me: 'o-of course. Do you want to sleep in my bed or in y-yours?'

Y/N: 'yours is kinda more comfortable... I'll come over in 5mins. I just need to get something done real quick'

Me: 'Okay'

I went downstairs to grab a glass of water.

Mom: "isn't Y/N coming over today?"

Me: ' she's coming over in 4 minutes but she just wants to sleep so don't be too loud and when dad comes home tell him that he should also be quiet'

Mom: "Why can't you just tell him that?"

Me:" because I'm also gonna take a nap now. I'm still tired"

Mom: "in the same bed as you again?"

Me: "yes and now I will be going upstairs."

I went upstairs and closed the blinds.

I then changed into sweatpants and a baggy t-shirt. The moment I put my t-shirt on Y/N teleported into my room. Well, on my bed.
She looked at me and opened her arms. I layed down and she hugged me. This whole thing became a part of our daily routine.

Suddenly someone knocked on the door. I looked at Y/N and she just looked at me.

"Come in" I said unsure
Me and Y/N were looking towards the door still hugging and cuddling.
It was my mom.

"I cut some fruit. So you want some?"

I looked at Y/N and she just shook her head.

"No thank you mom"

"Okay then I'm gonna let you two cuties alone"
She said going out the room closing the door behind her.

I just looked at Y/N and shrugged.

We continued cuddling and fell asleep not long after.


Chapter 13

This is my shortest chapter so far

-738 words

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