winter dance (1) /chapter 17

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You wake up and feel two arms wrapped around you. You were very comfortable and you enjoyed the warmth. You grabbed your phone which was on the night table next to saikis bed. It was 5am so you still had enough time. You decided to just cuddle with kusuo.

You tried many different cuddle Positions you saw online with kusuo. They were all uncomfortable so you just layed next to him with your legs wrapped around him and your hands wrapped around his neck

This was comfortable so you fell asleep like that. Apparently you moved a little bit because the next time you woke up you saw kusuo really really close to your face, like 3 or 2 inches away from your face. Kusuo also woke up at the same time as you and you both got really red and went away from each others faces.

"H-how did that happen?" Kusuo asked

"I-I don't know"

"How late is it?" He asked

You looked at your phone

"We still have one hour till we need to wake up" you answered.

"We still have enough time so let's just continue cuddling" kusuo told you

You went into his arms and you both cuddled together

"I love cuddling with you.. it makes me feel so safe and i really like your warmth" you told saiki

"I also really love cuddling with you, Y/N. I usually don't let people get near me because im not comfortable but with you I could cuddle all day.."

You then wrapped your legs again around kusuo and you put your hands around his neck an hugged him tight. He Just hugged you back. You didn't really fall asleep again, you just hugged kusuo and you thought about what to do today.
"Ku are you asleep?"
You got no response
You then played with his hair.
'Ku's hair is really soft' you thought to yourself.
Kusuo moved a little bit and you touched his cheeks. 'His face is even softer' you were adoring kusuo when suddenly a alarm went off. It was time to get ready. You immediately took your hand away from kusuos face and in that moment he opened his eyes

He got up and went into the bathroom and you teleported home to get ready.

After getting ready you teleported back to kusuo because you still had 10mins till you had to go. You watch kusuo do his stuff he usually does before school.

10mins pass and you and kusuo put on your shoes and went to school.

The school day was normal but Teruhashi gave you weird looks. She sometimes looked sad and then she looked angry and sad again and it kept going like that.

School was over and you all walk home.

Kaidou: "saiki, we wanted to ask you something"

Kusuo: "hm?"

Nendo: "Wanna go to the dance with us?"

Kaidou: "like, we three boys"

Kusuo just nodded

Nendo: "Great 👍🏻"

Mikoto: "me and Teruhashi are going together. Do you maybe want to come with us Y/N? Or else you would be going all alone"

You: "Sure!! Thank you for asking. Who is driving?"

Teruhashi: "I didn't want to be extra but my brother bought a limousine for us"

You: "oh okay! Can you write me the rest information about where I should be and when we go on the phone?"

Teruhashi: "Sure.."

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