Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

(Continue Mia)

I woke up to people standing over me. I just had a very bad dream. I looked around and Pia was here I guess with her wife, my dad was here, Mia, her daughter her parents and her doctor along with my workers.

Mia: What happened

Doctor: Your blood pressure is through the roof and you turned pale while you were sleeping. One of your workers checked your pulse and their wasn't one so we came as quickly as possible and called up your close relatives

Mia: How's the baby

Doctor: Hanging on just like you...............I think I'm going start your treatment much sooner. You're getting worse as we speak

Mia: How soon

Doctor: Right now since you insisted on not being in the hospital I have some doctors I know coming here and they are the best we are going to fight this but as of now no more working and you should not leave this house under any circumstances unless I give you the okay I'm going to make sure you beat this

I can't believe this was happening to me. I didn't wanna cry but the hormones were making me. Everyone in the room had on a sad face. My eyes then landed on Portia. I asked everyone to leave for a minute because I needed to talk to her but I know they are ease dropping by the door.

Mia: I remember.......................I remember everything our first kiss how it all started everything. It came back to me after I was home from the hospital but then the dream I just had was about last year. How I caught you cheating on me then heard you were stabbed and almost died, the way you acted and me telling you I never wanted to see you again during the time I visit you during prison and you should know Jade walked out on me early this morning. She ran off with some guy and his having his baby and wants me to raise it. She's so caught up in herself I didn't get the chance to tell her I have cancer and I'm glad I didn't. We got a annulment and I just wonder what I did to deserve for two girls I fell madly in love with to walk out on me

Portia: I am so so sorry for hurting you. If I could take it back I would but I'm here now and I'm not asking for another chance to be with you but I just wanna be with you to help you get through this and so your not alone

Mia: What if I wanna be with you more than just friends

Portia: What

Mia: Everyone deserves a second chance

Portia started glowing as if she was child that just rewarded a cookie. She leaned in and our lips met. As we were kissing my heart monitors started beeping faster and faster and everyone came rushing in the room.

Mia: You guys it's fine Portia and I just got back together

Dad: If you ever hurt my little girl again we are going to have problems

Portia: I'm not going to sir

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