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≈—≈ 5th Year, just after the battle for the Repository beneath Hogwarts ≈—≈

Sebastian walked back out of the Slytherin Common Room, anger boiling in his blood as he passed the Aurors and Coroners. Sweety's body being carried out just behind him as he rushed past all the adults.

He was determined to be the one to tell Amaya... because somewhere in his mind... somewhere in his soul he hoped, prayed even, that if Amaya heard the news of Sweety's death from him that maybe, just maybe, she wouldn't take it so hard.

He rushed down the hallways and up many staircases, his legs sore and aching but never stopping their movement. Fear that a Auror would be close behind to break the news before him drove him to walk faster and faster until he stopped at the doors to the hospital wing.

His heart racing, his mind going over every possible word he could say to her while she was in such a state of pain.

He walked, slowly, towards the doors. His hands pressing against them gently as he pushed his way in. The nurse at Amaya's bedside as she laid uncomfortably on her back. Tears from pain falling out of her eyes as the nurse did all she could for the burns on her wrists.

Ominis sitting close by in case she needed anything. Sebastian grabbed Ominis' robe, pulling him away as he protested.

"Sweety..." Sebastian paused. Unable to even be facing the direction of Amaya as he swallowed hard as if a rock was stuck in his throat.

"They found Sweety? Where?" Ominis said before Sebastian could speak again.

"She... Oh, Ominis..." Sebastian covered his mouth. Only now was the news really setting in. Only now... as he stood in the room with his two best friends... did he fully understand that he saw the horrific deceased body of his former friend.

"Sebastian... what is it?" Ominis said softly, waiting for him to speak.

"Jackal..." Sebastian took a deep breath. "Jackal... killed Sweety... and left her body in the Slytherin Common Room... on Amaya's bed."

"Mah... Merlin's beard..." Ominis gasped.

"I... I don't think I can bare to tell her, Ominis..." Sebastian sighed heavily, trying to hold back tears as he looked over at her.

"It is better coming from you than an Auror or school staff, Sebastian..." Ominis reassured him as best he could.

For a moment, Sebastian didn't speak nor move but after a few deep breaths, he walked over to Amaya's bedside. "Amaya..." He said softly.

"I already told... Ominis... I-I'm okay... just-"

"No... Amaya... that's not..." Sebastian couldn't hide the look of despair on his face.

"What?" She said with fear lining her voice. "What is it?"

"Sweety... I..." Sebastian tried to speak but his words kept lodging in his throat.

"What... what about Sweety?" Amaya's voice broke as tears began to swell in her eyes yet again. Sebastian grew silent until Amaya yelled. "Sebastian! You spit it out... right... right now! Where is Sweety?!"

Sebastian covered his mouth speaking clearly behind his hand. "Ja... Jackal... he..." Amaya started to weep before he even fully spoke the words. "He killed her, Amaya... I... I am so... so sorry..."

Amaya's cries and screams of horror filled the hospital wing as she had a guttural reaction to the news. She thrashed against the nurse as she tried to calm her down, Sebastian and Ominis trying to calm her down as she wailed.

It was to no avail as the only time she finally calmed down was when the nurse managed to give her something to cause her to pass out.

It took every word Ominis knew that night to calm Sebastian now.

His Obsession - [7th Year Ominis and Sebastian Fanfic] {18+ Themes/MATURE}Where stories live. Discover now