Beginning Year 7

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"Are you excited, Amaya?" A voice asked. I looked over to see Natty sitting across from me on the Hogwarts Express.

"Yeah, of course I am, Natty!" I smiled wide as I looked back out the window as the world passed us by.

"Are your arms or back hurting today?" Natty asked. Concerned that what happened a few weeks ago could happen again.

I rubbed my hands over the opposite forearms, the dark scars still prominent and tender even with it having been more than a year since the battle. Since Sweety... "I'm okay. They're not hurting. Just a bit tender but they're okay, Nat." I reassured her.

"Alright, my friend. Just please do not hesitate to tell me if they hurt again." Natty said with a soft smile as I nodded to her, looking back out the train window.


Just a few moment later, we arrived in Hogsmeade Station. I stood up, gathering my bags as I looked at Natty. "You didn't have to spend the entire Summer with me you know... I would've been okay." I said softly.

"Ah, my friend... I did not spend that time with you because I had to, I spent that time with you because I wanted to. I worried for you. My Mother knew that more than anyone after I recovered from Harlows attack, I could barely sit still with the information of you being in the Hospital Wing of Hogwarts and having just lost someone close to you. Two people at that." Natty explained as you walked off the train.

I rubbed my neck, I couldn't shake this feeling as if I had become a burden as of late. Especially with the night terrors, the sleep walking, and the pain... Most of which I never bothered Natty with but I'm sure she knew.

"I just..." I paused for a minute with the words caught in my throat. "I... don't want to burden you, Natty."

Natty looked at me as if I was a three headed hipogriff. "Burden me? My friend! How could you burden me? I care for you. Friends don't burden each other." She said as she embraced me in a tight hug, I laid my head on her shoulder as I held her.

That void in my chest becoming a little smaller the longer we hugged. "Natsai, my little gazelle!" Natty's mother yelled out as Natty looked over.

"Mother!" She yelled as I let go of her. I thought Natty would run to her Mom without a second thought but she looked back at me and took my hand, leading me up to Professor Onai who embraced both of us in a warm hug.

"I am so glad to see you girls are alright! I have missed you!" Professor Onai stated as she pat both of our heads in a motherly manner. "We better hurry to Hogwarts and get you both situated in your common rooms. The grand feast is about to begin!"

Natty nodded as I simply watched them in silence, following close behind as we got closer and closer to the school.

A sinking feeling growing in my chest as we got to the gates. My 6th year was wholly uneventful minus Sebastian and Ominis' usual mishaps. But this felt different. This time when I entered the common room of Slytherin. I felt... scared.

His Obsession - [7th Year Ominis and Sebastian Fanfic] {18+ Themes/MATURE}Where stories live. Discover now