Chapter 5

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Freen arrived at an abandoned building outside of Bangkok where Heng was waiting for her.

"Great job there Fre--" Before Heng could finish his sentence, a fist landed on his face.

"Ouch! What was that for?" Heng asked. "Did you purposely tell me to the police?" Freen asked, ready to pull out the sword from her back.

"No!" He said. "Why would I do that?" We've known each other since we were kids and we've been working together for a long time now. Do you think I will sell you like that to the police? " Heng explained but then he remembered something. "I have to go and ask him about this." He thought.

Freen took off the sword from her back and threw it to Heng. "Here is the sword that the client asks for." Heng hands her the bag containing the money that he got. "Here is your share."

"Don't show your face to me for a while. I'm still pissed at what you did."Freen said as she turn around.

"I really didn't tell you!" Heng said loudly, making sure that Freen hears it as she walks away.

Freen hears him but acts as if she didn't hear anything. She knew him well. Part of her wanted to believe him but something tells her not trust his words. She put on her helmet and started the engine of her motorcycle and started driving home to her apartment.

She arrives at her apartment building. The bag of cash hanging on her shoulder. Freen went up to her apartment and opened up the door. She then dropped the bag on the couch and sat beside it.

"How did she knew my name?" Freen asked herself. Her mind wandering back to the time that the young police officer called her. The more she thinks about it, the more it becomes strange for her. First the way she looked at her when she first saved her, and now it turns out that she's a police officer who knew her so well that she actually knew her name.

"Just, who are you?" She said as she lie down on the couch.


Rebecca couldn't sleep. She keeps on tossing around her bed. First, she got scolded for open firing and not catching Freen. And then, she remembered how she calls her name so casually earlier.

"I'm doomed!" She said as she covers her face with the blanket. Forget getting demoted, but it increases the chance of changing the wrong part of the past. And then she slowly pulled down the blanket as she thinks about it. "But then again, how do I know if it's the right or wrong part of the past?" Rebecca asked herself and then she tossed around again on her bed. She keeps doing that until she didn't realized that it's already morning.

Rebecca walks groggily on her way to the station. She ended up not sleeping at all for thinking too much.

"Looks like someone didn't sleep last night." She stopped after hearing a familiar voice. And she was right. It was indeed her - Her Freen.

Freen was standing by the post, wearing a black cap and a white shirt and a pair of jeans. "You!" but Freen raised her hand, "Before you do anything else, remember that you do not have any evidence against me, so you can't arrest me here."

"You're right. So what do you want then? Annoy me this early in the morning?" Rebecca asked.

"Well, do you want me to?" Freen asked as she started following her. Rebecca stopped. "Well, do you want me to?" She has clearly heard that before. She turned around and was surprised by how close their proximity was. And the way Freen looks at her is also not helping her situation right now.

"I have a lot of questions for you, you know?" Freen said.

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