Chapter 4 - Keeping secrets

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Warnings!! (You know the drill)

Mentions of suicide/attempt(?)

That should be all, pls tell me if I missed any so that I can add them. Enjoy!!


3rd person POV:

Ochako sat up with a yawn as she pushed the blanket off of her body.

The cold air hit her skin, sending a shiver down her spine.

She blew hot air onto her hands and rubbed her shoulders. She wasn't warm, but it was good enough for now.

She stood up and carefully stepped over Tsu, who had fallen asleep on the floor next to her.

Uraraka walked to the door, making sure to be as quiet as she could before gently opening it.

There was a loud creaking noise that sounded to her like it would wake everyone up, but when she looked back to the group, they were all soundly sleeping.

Ochako took a step out of the dorm, quietly closing the door behind her.

She let out a sigh of relief.

Ochako's POV:

I was still stressed from last night. I was just so confused, hell..what is wrong with me.

Today was the weekend so I would have time to see my family. I didn't want to see them, but I know they would bother me about it if I didn't.

I went to my dorm room and opened a window for fresh air.

I sighed, rubbing my temple where a headache was starting to form.



I just woke up.

I locked my bedroom door and started running some warm bath water.

I moved my arm around in the water a bit to get used to it before turning off the faucet.

Still clothed, I put my foot in the water.

Both feet.

I leaned against the wall.

And began to slide down.

The heat of the water covered my body, I felt like melting.

Melting into nothing.

A void, full of water.

Nobody to see me, nobody to hear me.

I just want to dissapear.

I let myself sink further into the tub as the water consumed my body.

Nothing left uncovered but my head.

Could this be it?

I didn't even bother trying to rethink anything before letting the water consume my head as well.

I couldn't breath.

I waited.

1 minute.

My lungs hurt.

My ears were ringing.

I felt like my body would explode if I stayed under the water any longer.

But...isn't that what i wanted? Why does it hurt so bad.

Everything hurts.

I opened my eyes.

I see the shower head, it was blurred but I could still make out some features.

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