Jack Black Is Better Than You

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Today was the day! I was going to the doctor, it was a 2 hour drive though, like what if I was giving birth? I was driving to the hospital with my mom blasting "Baby" by Justin Beiber, i was obsessed with that song! Then sadly it ended and the song "Love Story" by Taylor Swift came on, I turned the radio down a few notches and started screaming the song, I had the best voice I'd ever heard, aside from the sore throat and raspiness.

A few songs later and we had an hour to go, and all of a sudden, the best song I have ever heard came on "PEACHES PEACHES PEACHES PEACHES PEACHES" I started but was soon rudely interrupted by my mother slamming her foot on the breaks "is this JaCk BlAcK???" she huffed, I nodded, "he's so sExY" she panted, I wondered if she was having a stroke but I shrugged and just thought we would be at the hospital soon anyway.

We continued to sing to Jack Black the whole rest of the way, it took forever, but I took it as a bonding experience.

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