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The weather was extremely uncooperative

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The weather was extremely uncooperative. The rain kept on pouring, as though it had no plans to stop.

Rain threw a glance at the rearview mirror, checking his hair he'd carefully brushed back. After seeing that the humidity spared his hair, he looked back at the front, the red taillights of the cars ahead of him were too red it was hurting his eyes.

The traffic lights changed from red to green and he drove with ease, although the wipers were doing double efforts to clear his view. Almost zero visibility, Rain sighed out loud.

Of all the days to rain, why tonight?

He brushed an invisible lint off his shoulder. The deep blue dress shirt he was wearing had a shine to it on certain lights. He'd always been in track pants at home or in jeans that the smooth fabric of the dress pants made him feel a little bare.

He glanced again at the mirror.

"Once in a while dressing up isn't so bad..." he told his reflection.

He tried to smile more. He appreciated himself looking a little preppier than usual. It was a good feeling being able to pretend that he was put together. But after a while, a little bitter aftertaste surfaced in his mouth.

"An invitation for two and I am alone..."

It was the architectural company's anniversary. Five years of continuous invitation all of which Rain had declined. It was even a surprise to him when he just up and out sent his confirmation of attendance this year.


Maybe he was rebelling. Maybe he wanted to show the entire planet that he was finally okay. That he was over brooding and lamenting his tragic love story that turned for the worse. He knew though it was a lie.

He was far from being over it. Not even the slightest bit. And he wondered if it would ever reach that point.

"It is okay. Just... think of this as an opportunity to see again everyone else...."

Every company anniversary, Payu had always brought Rain as his plus one even before Rain graduated. Everyone knew Rain even before he joined the company years later.

In this event, they were the sort of pair that was granted funny titles like "Couple of the Night", "Lovebirds of the Pack". All hilarious, funny titles that Payu had rolled his eyes at but secretly loved.

When Payu disappeared, Rain had declined all the succeeding invitations. What was the point?

But here he was now, driving to the hotel that was the venue of the company anniversary.

STORM CHASING [Love in the Air | PayuxRain]Where stories live. Discover now