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It took a four-hour walk to reach the foot of the mountains.

Looking behind, only a green blanket of the jungle could be seen. The village still hidden and a sanctuary to the people that was welcomed by it.

Another five-hour truck ride, at the back of a vegetable dealer's truck, to reach the next city.

As hours passed by, nature became apparent less and less. Bridges, houses, then buildings and cars zipped by.

An additional four-hour bus ride to reach Bangkok and another couple of arduous time at the specialist's office.

After an additional two hours of extensive tests and scans and MRIs and another hour in a car, Payu found himself standing in front of a place that had no business being called a house.

"This... is your house?"

Rain turned over his shoulder with a wide grin, the man hurriedly unlocking the door with a keycard. The beep was loud and reassuring that they weren't trespassing.

"This is our house!" Rain replied as he pushed the huge glass doors open. "Remember what I told you during the bus ride? We both designed this."

Payu watched Rain shoulder into the house. One by one lights started turning on, showering the hall with a bright light above and some sort of warm golden lights below. The tiles mimicked a light wood, and Rain's bare feet made excited pitter patter as the man pointed at each random place.

"You know what's funny?" Rain continued as the man led the way to what seemed like the living room. A massive open space where walls had turned from off white to navy blue. Where things were more rustic and raw. Dark furniture and metal displays and a whole row and glass case of miniature cars. "We can't really agree to one theme. So we ended up designing our favorite places in the house."


"You designed all the living rooms and master bedroom. I designed the hall and the kitchen and the sun room. You said my tastes are too bright." Rain giggled at a memory obviously playing in his mind. "In the end it worked well. We have spaces that we can call our 'own' then we have spaces that are both ours. Like the back garden."

Payu looked around, taking in the place. Things were so different from what he'd become used to. He really couldn't tell if he was excited or feeling familiar with anything.

Rain skipped his way to the cases of miniature cars by the wall.

"This is your collection," Rain explained. "Each car here you know by name."

Slowly, Payu moved to see the cases closer. He watched the tiny cars on their pedestals, shining and cared for. It was his collection?


STORM CHASING [Love in the Air | PayuxRain]Where stories live. Discover now