Chapter 9

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      That night, as everyone went to sleep in their respective rooms, Robin prohibited anyone to come to their room, because she wanted to have her little "time with her friend..."






I died... Is this heaven, Nami thought... Oh no! This must be hell because... because its all black.. Man I-

"Oh you girl, you're so weak and fragile... I don't even know if you'll ever wake up" Nami heard an old woman saying so.

"GRANNY!, I'll fix her..after all, I am a doctor!!" A little girl replied.

Nami felt someone treating her wounds.. "I-I am alive... But my eyes are closed... I-I can't move or speak.. Damnnn I have to spend so many days just hearing and feeling stuff.. But I'm glad I died saving my crew, saving luffy. I -I want to see him so badly... but I sadly can't!"

Every day, the old woman and the little girl, perhaps her granddaughter, were helping me... such kind people.. Nami thought

But one certain day, there were guests.. Nami could hear loud voices, and that voice was oddly familiar.

Suddenly, a group of people ran towards her room and opened it and shouted "Nami!"

Did they know my name?



THEY ARE MY FRIENDS... MY CREW MATES... THEY'RE HERE TO SAVE ME? THEY FOUND ME! I WAS SO HAPPY, I WISH I COULD SEE THEM BUT I understood. I was content with them being by my side. I heard them discussing that until I was okay, they would stay here. *FUCK! I WANT TO BE ABLE TO GET UP AND BE  NORMAL SO THAT I CAN SEE THEM, Nami thought all of this .

Until now...

*flashback ends*

That night.. Someone was beside me.. Robin, I think because She said She'll share bed with me... But after hearing her voice, I was sure!!, Nami thought

  ".... He-Hey Nami!!" Robin said feeling sad." I hope you can at least hear me right now because I have so many things to talk to you for now"

"I still blame myself for what has happened to you!! I'm sorry, Naomi.. That day, if I had even tried to do anything, you would be alive and well right now.. I mean you're still alive but you wouldn't have been this hurt or unconscious for this long!"

"I miss you... Everyone misses you." You know this morning, we were going to crash into this island... If you were there, none of this would've happened.. But thankfully we managed to survive. The day before yesterday... Everyone was so depressed.. we didn't eat at all because of you, silly!"

" But we realized, You will always be with us, in our hearts and souls.. We will need to move on .. for us and for you as well. I told them how you dreamt of seeing us fulfill our dreams... We were so silent back then... But now after seeing you, we are joyous.. So please, just wake up and make us even happier!"

Robin smiled weakly but then she smiled properly as she thought of something.

"Y'know, Luffy was acting happiest when he found out you're okay and he was the saddest when you were gone... He cares for you... awfully lot.. So I do think he likes you, but is to naive to understand it!"

That sentence made nami blush inside, inside... She was happy she wasn't awake at that time.

"Okay!! Let's sleep now!"

The next day, Robin left the room to help the others. Soon after Chopper sat next to Nami trying to figure out what as wrong with her.

He checked her heartbeat, and other stuffs like that. "NAMI!!" Chopper cried."I'm so sorry, i can't do anything for you right now... Trust me, I would do anything to help you get well. SO!"He said wiping his tears." I WILL READ 5 LONG BOOKS ABOUT COMA AND ITS TYPE AND WHICH TYPE IS YOURS.. I WILL ALSO FIGURE OUT ITS SOLUTION!" 

That made Nami giggle inside and inside.. She was happy that chopper wanted her well so badly.

Next Sanji came in.

"NAMI SANN!" Sanji said with a dramatic emotional voice."I'm so sorry, I'm just sitting here, doing nothing but cooking.. Trust me when I find out which shark bit you, I'L-I'll.... I will deal with it very intensely. Nami-san, I've always respected, admired, and loved you, So please just get up... Although I know you and I aren't made for each other... 

Sanji paused

"because of our gummy captain starting to care for you out of his limits... y'know the symptoms of love... buuut I will always be there or you, okay! I hope you can hear me, Nami san!"

Nami felt relieved and happy at the same time after Sanji said that...

Next, Zoro came in.




"Damn, I hate to admit it... ya maybe i doo care a tiny winy bit that you're dead ass witch now.. Ugh..."

"You know, I ain't so good at navigating.. I know no one else better than you at this shit. So ya, get your ass up, woman"

Nami at first- DONT CALL ME A WITCH!"
Nami at last- ya whatever.... fine thanks!"

Neext is your skeleton broook.

"Hey Nami-san, no one is here right now, and you aren't awake so I have to chance of seeing your panties. But"

Brook sighed.

"I'm a good man now.. You're bad condition made me miss you and now I'm content with having you as you are, alive!" So please wake up Nami-san!"

Brook then played a beautiful violin that made Nami feel special

Franky entered the room next.

"Oii, little girl. I am only good at building... not using... So you better wake up and do your duties properly"

" We miss you, Nami... a lot... So you must be well... you have a dream to complete okay!"

Usopp came inside and "boo" ed Nami , but laughed after she didn't react.

"ehh, I remember when I used to scared you with my pranks. Hah. I miss those days.. I miss you,NAMI. WE MISS YOU!" Usopp said, getting senti.


"cuz.. no one is as good as you in navigating. okay! Chopper said he'll find a way to get you to become well. He finished two whole books and now is... sleeping... but he is dedicated... and so am I... So please wake up, Nami!"

At the very last, Luffy came inside the room, and shut it gently behind him...

He looked serious... very serious..

"He-Hey Nami..."

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