ch 6

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The screen flickered with with light as lasers flew toward guel's mobile suit. The audience silently watched the screen, their eyes widen as they saw the laser beam flying toward guel's mobile suit.


The first laser beam missed, as guel dodge to the side. His eyes moving following the gun bits and predict where they would shot next. Last time, the first few shots were aimed at his mobile's suit upper arms and legs to prevent him from moving.

As long he dodge the first shot he would be able to see the other gunbits. Few laser managed to hit him, but he didn't stop.

The pattern of the gunbits were not normal, they always prioritised the gundam and the other gunbit's safety based on suletta's fight with elan.

Using that experience he shifted his target from the gundam to one of the gunbit, and it went according to his plan.

The other gun bit flew infront of that gunbit and formed a barrier, now the gundam was left without any gunbit to attack or to defend.

" Thanks elan"

Guel turned and ran toward the gundam with his spear. Suletta was caught offguard, she took out her saber and blocked guel's spear. Her breathing became rough, she was barely able to block guel's spear.

Her position made it hard for her to fight back guel's spear, slowly the tip of the spear coming closer to the antenna of her gundam.

The gunbits couldn't attack guel without hurting the gundam so they were in a stalemate.

" Hahaha, i did my best."

There was a statisfication in guel face as he smiled at suletta, this was the first time he got this close to gundam.

Sparks explode from guel's mobile suit's arm. With one of the mobile suit's arm lost its power, it gave sulleta chance to push guel's spear away, and left the gun bit to finish the fight.

Everyone stood frozen, looking at guel's mobile suit kneeling on the ground missing its antenna. Shaddiq called sulleta as the winner,  light fell from the sky shining onto sulleta's gundam, her victory was displayed on the screen.

The gundam's cockpit opened and miorine stepped out onto the hand of the gundam.
Her white hair fluttered in the wind as she looked at guel's mobile suit infront of her.

" Excuse me, i-i won."

Behind her, the red haired girl said while looking up. 'Looks like it', miorine congragulate her in her own way as she took her device from the gundam. Both of them stood facing each other.

" Sulleta mercury"

Miorine tap her device at suletta's uniform changing its color from green to white. surprised by her new uniform, suletta looked around her clothes as miorine explained the meaning of holder and making sulleta her bride.

Their conversation was cut by loud sound coming from guel's mobile suit. The cockpit of the mobile suit was opened and guel came out holding a bouquet of flower, kneeling in the cockpit.

" Wait!!!!!"

Miorine turned around surprised by guel's sudden proposal. The fact that guell had brought flower means that he had planned this from the start.

Did he made this duel just to do a proposal. She frowned as she stepped forward.

" Guel, you are not the holder anymore. From now on sulleta will be the one who marry me"

" Waiiitttt!!! Suletta."

Guel shouted earning everyone's attention.

" Just give up-"

" Suletta i love you. Please marry me!!!"

Everyone gasped, none of them expected that sudden curve in the proposal.

" Eh, me? W-wait i am already married to ms miorine. Ah thats not what i mean!!!"

The poor girl was confused suddenly getting married and proposed by two stranger she just met.

Miorine looked at suletta wide eyes, so it wasn't me he was proposing to. There were alot of problem with that, if suletta married guel than she had to find another suitor and she couldn't escape to earth.

Infront of them, guel still kneeling with flowers in his hand, there was a smile on his face and a line of tears flowing from his eye. He just got rejected by her fiance and the girl he love.

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