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"im not hungry" taehyung yelled shoving the plate that jungkook was holding for him.

"tae please you haven't eaten anything since morning" jungkook pouted, taking the spoon full of rice near taehyung's face who just glared at him.

"stop acting all sweet you asshole i know your real face" the alpha chuckled seeing taehyung's glare

"you look like an angry kitten so adorable, now open your mouth baby"

"shove that spoon up your ass-" taehyung retorted back but was silenced by jungkook forcefully feeding him.

taehyung was about too spit the food on the elder's face but jungkook grabbed his face harshly making him swallow it all.

"there just like that finish the whole bowl than we'll cuddle and watch a movie okay-" taehyung's lip wobbled and eyes teared up, confused and scared by jungkook's behavior but the alpha just cooed seeing him cry.

after forcefully feeding taehyung he tucked the omega in bed who complained and whined at first but then gave in. he was so tired because of crying and yelling all day also after the alpha slapped him he felt quite dizzy.

the next day taehyung woke up to a strong smell of something burning hitting his nostrils. he groaned holding his head that hurt like hell also his cheek was stinging where he was hit by jungkook.

thinking about the alpha he felt angry. before yesterday he had feelings for jungkook he even planned to confess to the alpha soon but today all he feels for jungkook now is rage and fear.

he doesn't know why jungkook was acting like this now or maybe he was always like this. a jerk. and was pretending to be all sweet and shy before. maybe jimin was right. his brother is a fucking asshole.

he was thinking of sleeping again so he could stop thinking about jungkook and all that happened yesterday when he heared the door shutting and loud footsteps in the living room.

'must be the asshole' taehyung thought, getting up to brush his teeth and change his clothes. he was wearing a suit from when he planned to go back to korea but the alpha ruined his plans by hiding his passport somewhere and he's pretty sure jungkook won't let him leave right now so staying in the tight suit wasn't of help.

taehyung found all his suitcases empty and thought maybe jungkook unpacked his stuff but when he didn't find any of his clothes and stuff in the closet he screamed in anger.

"JEON FUCKING JUNGKOOK" running towards the kitchen taehyung yelled at the alpha who just smiled sweetly at him, setting the plates on the table.

"good morning pretty" taehyung turned red from anger seeing the alpha's unbothered attitude. standing shirtless infront of the omega and smiling like a bunny as if he didn't act like a psychopath and hit taehyung yesterday.

"fuck your morning where's my fucking stuff??" omega pushed jungkook's chest who was still smiling ear to ear.

"i burned them-" jungkook effortlessly dodged the vase taehyung threw at him.

"wdym burned it do you know how fucking expensive it all was what am i supposed to wear now" taehyung grabbed the pillows from the sofa, throwing them at alpha who kept dodging them.

"ouch stop ill buy you new ones baby calm down first" jungkook tried to calm the younger but only got hit by the pillow on his face in answer.

"why'd burned them in the first place you sick fucker what the hell is wrong with you i don't get it" taehyung started to cry now, feeling frustrated by jungkook's weird behavior.

seeing him crying, jungkook hugged him patting his back gently "baby hey shh it's ok ill buy you whatever you want forget about those clothes yeah sit let's have breakfast "

taehyung was tired and hungry and all of this was too much for him to handle in the morning so he just nodded sniffling and sat on the chair to eat.

after his third bite he started sobbing again when he remembered his precious gucci clothes "they all were so expensive" jungkook sighed saying he'll buy him more expensive clothes

" i want the same one"

"ok ill buy you the same one"

"b-but they all were gifts from jimin he bought most of my-" jungkook stopped smiling and taehyung saw his eyes turning almost red "shut the fuck up and eat before i shove the food in your mouth like last time"

taehyung widen his eyes in fear seeing jungkook's dark expression and his lips wobbled again.

seeing him cry, the alpha took a deep breathe and walked forward to hug the shaking omega in his arms "im sorry baby alpha's sorry let's forget about it and move on yeah let's go out tonight ill buy you the whole store"

and so he did and taehyung forgave him when the alpha kept apologizing for his behavior but that didn't mean he wasn't still weirded out by jungkook. when they were outside later at night the alpha held his hand tightly and never once let him out of his sight. taehyung complained because his hand was hurting like a bitch from the tight grip but jungkook just ignored his whining.

taehyung was planning to breakup with the alpha as soon as he goes back to korea because no way jungkook was sane. something was wrong with the alpha and he couldn't tell jimin about it nor ask anyone for help because he had no phone with him.

he tried his luck by asking jungkook to buy him phone when they were shopping but the alpha just glared at him making the omega whimper in fear. he shudders everytime he thinks about jungkook's creepy behavior yesterday and the slap. so he shut his mouth. thinking of ways he could contact jimin or yoongi without jungkook noticing .

"you look pretty in everything baby just buy all of It" jungkook groaned when taehyung walked out of the try room wearing the 100th dress.

"oh i will. you have to pay for burning all of my stuff i still have to buy other stuff like socks and pan- wait did you burn my panties too?! "

"depends did jimin bought them for you?"

"some of them yes"

"then yes i may have burned it" jungkook shrugged.

taehyung stared at him in horror. jungkook is absolutely insane "what's your problem with jimin? why are doing this jungkook? "

"i don't like when you ask too much question baby now go try out the pink one and show me how it looks" jungkook pointed at the dress and taehyung huffed going back to change.

After almost buying the whole store, jungkook was driving them back to the apartment when taehyung pointed to a fancy restaurant saying he was hungry and wanted to eat there but jungkook refused him. taehyung huffed and glared at him the whole ride back.

entering the apartment, taehyung shut the door behind him but jungkook grabbed the door knob before it can close and walked inside holding the bags in each arm and some around his neck.

he sighed dropping all the bags on the floor "ill cook something for you my love what do you wanna eat" he asked to taehyung who just stomped his feet and crossed his arms glaring. "i wanted to eat out i don't wanna eat food made by you"

"taehyung stop acting like a kid" jungkook groaned tired from shopping all day "ill cook your favorite fish okay"

taehyung didn't reply instead walked back to unlock the door and run out when jungkook held his wrist in anger, pulling him towards his chest and twisting the wrist behind taehyung's back.

"look taehyung im being very kind to you right now so be good and stop whining or else it won't be good if i got angry. you don't wanna make your alpha disappointed right" jungkook growled near his ear making the omega whimper in pain.

"y-you're hurting me jungkook" taehyung cried out when jungkook twisted his wrist more.

"good you hurt me too when you misbehave taehyung" he let go of taehyung's hand who rubbed his stinging wrist that was now blue and red.

" ill make the food go change first then we'll eat together hmm" jungkook said pecking taehyung's forehead who stood there sobbing. he was scared seeing the aggressive mood changes of jungkook.

he wanted to go back to korea to his friends. he wanted to talk to jimin so his best friend would save him like he always did before but taehyung doubted that jimin would be able to protect him this time.

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