Chapter Six: Battle of the Beaks

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While Storm and her small band were returning from their travels, it was then that Allomere returned to the tree. It appeared his mission had been a success, although it was more dire than anyone had expected. Within his talons, he carried two moonblinked owlets. One of them was a Tyto... young Soren's sister, Eglantine. Allomere told a tale of Pure One treachery, his wingmen hadn't survived the attack. But Allomere had escaped and had been able to wrestle these young owlets from the Pure Ones before he did. Suddenly, with the treachery of the Pure Ones confirmed, the Parliament called all the Guardians to battle. But they don't know much about the terrible plot involving the flecks.
When Storm returned, she discovered that all of the Guardians had taken up arms.
Storm went to Ezylryb's hollow, half hoping to find the Eastern Screech owl. But no such luck. She found a scroll was left on the desk, in which it's addressed to her.
"Dear Storm. It has to come to this... War. Me and the Guardians have taken off to fight the darkness. But my gizzard stirs. We need all of the battle claws that we can muster. We need you and your band friends to join us in our time of need. Please be careful, Storm."
She blinked, and looked down thoughtfully. Emotions rolled around inside Storm like a powerful whirlwind. She don't know whether to feel scared or frustrated or surprise or determined. But a thought suddenly slammed into her head. Storm remembered her and her band's time in the frozen north. The Flecks. The Guardians don't know about the trap! They have to warn the Guardians!
"Flecks!" One word. All it took was one word.
At the cry, all of the members of her Band leapt to their feet, their previous weariness and chatter gone as if it had never even existed. "The Guardians don't know about the flecks! They're flying headfirst into a trap!"
At that, the five owls and the eagle started following the constellation of the Whale's Fin by Athos's experienced guidance. All of the owls are all wearing battle claws and helmets for the incoming war. But one could see that Storm is wearing her late father's battle claws that glinted in the sunlight and on her head is a gifted helmet from Ezylryb, which gleamed in the same colors of her father's battle claws (It's inspired from the Iron Fortitude armor in the game). But Storm knew that she has to help the Guardians. Even at the coast of her own life.

When they have arrived to the Beaks, Storm gave an inward shudder when she saw the towering, beak-like stone mountains with Parzival flying by her side. "Looks like we're here."
Parzival flew up next to her. "I think there's a fortress there." The two owls spotted a well-hidden fortress within the tallest peaks.
But Storm suddenly heard a noise of squeaking of bats and the flapping of unfamiliar owls. She turned around and cried out in anger. "Sweet Glaux!"
"Bats!" screeched Parzival.
The band immediately flew away, but Parzival was separated from them by the bats and was pushed into an airborne Devil Triangle. "Storm!" She immediately turned around and took out her trapped comrade, while the rest of the band took on the Pure Ones and the bats. Storm ignored her gizzard's pain as she took out the last bat and freed Parzival from the airborne Devil Triangle, in which he flew out of.
"Alright!" Storm and Parzival both tilted their wings as they flew around their enemies. "Let's show them what we're made of Storm."
She gave him a sad smile and nodded determinedly. At that, chaos have went down between the teams. Storm started attacking the Pure Ones and Hagsfiends. Shard attacked a number of Pure Ones and Hagsfiends. Parzival knocked took out some Pure Ones and Hagsfiends. Streak knocked out some Pure Ones and Hagsfiends from the air. Uriah have managed to take on some Pure Ones and Hagsfiends. While Athos have managed to take down some Pure Ones and Hagsfiends. Once they were done, they started flying towards the fortress.
"I'm sorry Parzival," Storm said to her companion. "I went headfirst into that trap. I'm not much of a leader."
"Nonsense, you got me out of there alive. That's what a leader does." Parzival picked up the pace with Storm, his expression surprisingly earnest towards her. "Ezylryb gave me the job of being with you as your wingman because you're a great leader."
Storm felt her heart fluttered at Parzival's words. "Parzival... Just because Ezylryb chose me for the mission doesn't mean I'm a full-time leader."
He stared at her. "You're kidding, right? Storm, you looked after us during attacks. I watched you protect the owls who needed your aid. You organized us and developed everyone's talents. You gave us a purpose when we were falling apart. That's not about your birthright. That's about you." Parzival have suddenly done something unexpected. He spread his wings to its fullest wingspan and lightly touched Storm's wing. "Storm. I will proudly fight by your side... my friend."
Storm have trouble taking compliments. She tend to assure the other owl is just trying to be nice or spare her feelings, and it only comes from the Guardians. But Parzival isn't like that. He's a straight striker. He just hit Storm with a genuine compliment. "Thank you Parzival. I am proud to fight alongside you my friend." Storm turned to look at all of their friends. "And I'm proud to fight along with you all my friends." Everyone smiled and returned it to her and Parzival.
"Let's find the Guardians." They soon flew towards the fortress.

Legend of the Guardians: Guardians of Ga'Hoole: Storm's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now