Chapter Two: A Mission

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"Storm?" The young owl looked down as she continued stroking the burning fire and embers in her basin with her burnt stick in one of her talons. She was inside her room and she was doing something personal in private.
She was sitting on the floor in front of the basin, carefully started writing something out on a piece of parchment. As soon as she'd finished, the barn owl placed the note to put into the flames. It's a custom she has grown accustomed to when it involves her fallen parents. Whenever she misses her parents the most, she writes a letter to them and burned it within the flames of the basin. It almost as if she was talking to them, face to face.
"Storm?" A white head of a snowy owl poked his head around the doorway, tapping three times lightly on the floor. She stiffened and turned to look at the messenger owl. Storm couldn't remember his name, which was the kind of faux pas she always scolds herself about.
The snowy owl at her doorway shifted slightly, his claws making little scraping sounds to remind her that he was there. What was he waiting for? Permission to give her a message?
Storm put the stick away before she stepped towards the doorway and gave a slight bow to the snow owl, he returned the gesture to her. The bow showed respect and the understanding that the messenger probably has something to share with her.
"Hello." Storm looked at the snowy owl messenger with wary curiosity. "What can I do for you?"
"Ezylryb wants to see you outside of his hollow," reported the snowy owl.
"Why?" asked Storm.
"I don't know," the messenger replied with a shrug. "He just told me to inform you."
"And knowing him, I better get my training claws." Storm strapped on her training claws and flew out of her hollow.
As she looked for Ezylryb, Storm was surprised to see that Parzival flew out of his hollow and heading towards the same direction as she was.
"Parzival!" He stopped in mid-flight and spotted Storm flying towards his direction. "What are you doing?"
"A messenger told me that Ezylryb wants to speak to me," replied Parzival.
"Same here." Storm and Parzival both started flying side by side to find their battle weary mentor. "Do you know what's its about?"
"Nope." Parzival shook his head, closing the discussion.
They soon heard flapping from their other side. "Look!" Parzival's expression brightened when he suddenly saw Shard. Storm could clearly see that the two owls think each other as brothers. "Shard!"
He smiled at them and flew towards them. "Hey you two."
"Where are you going?" Storm asked Shard curiously.
"A messenger told me that Ezylryb wants to speak to me too," replied Shard.
"Same here." Storm and Parzival started flying side by side with Shard to find their battle weary mentor. "Do you know what's its about?" Shard shook his head, closing the discussion.
Storm could count more hues and shades than in the box of paints and watercolors that she had bought a few years ago. Shades of sapphire, violet, magenta, amber, and gold shimmered and shined, like a giant rainbow had blanketed the sky.
It was barely evening, but the night stars continued to sparkle like diamonds. Despite the darkness of the night sky, the stars were so bright and clear like distant diamonds sparkling in the morning sky. While the outline of the moon was in a circle of silver, glowing brightly in the evening sky. As the sun started to set, it had caught the colors of a blazing, aflame ember as it rise in the west.
They soon spotted Ezylryb pacing on his ledge, grumbling underneath his breath. Storm, Parzival, and Shard flew down towards the ledge and landed in front of him to hear the end of his grumbling.
"Of all the foolish things to do," grumbled Ezylryb. "We have to act now. We can't wait this long. We finally have proof."
"Ezylryb?" Storm looked at him carefully. "You wanted to see us?"
"Ah, glad you've arrived so quickly." Ezylryb's expression softened slightly at the sight of them, but his voice remained firm. "We don't have much time to waste before you three sent off."
"Sent off?" Storm echoed nervously.
"I need you to check if these rumors are true," said Ezylryb. "I need you both to keep the owls safe from the Pure Ones."
Storm realized what Ezylryb was saying to her and exclaimed, "What!?" She was quickly hushed by Ezylryb and she spoke quietly to him. "B-But, we're not Guardians! Who are we supposed to go up against that!?" Storm felt her hopelessness wash over her. "How am I supposed to help? I'm not that brave."
"You're much braver than you know, I've seen that you're one of the warriors who fought against those blasted crows," Ezylryb replied to her, easing her hopeless feelings. "Parzival and Shard will both join you and follow you through this mission."
"Me? Follow her?" Parzival gave the Sceech owl a dubious look.
"Fine by me." Shard smiled and gently nudged Storm's side.
But the three of them have spotted Allomere leading two of his best Search and Rescue owls out of the Great Tree and towards the harsh, misty sea. For some reason, Storm is wary regarding Allomere and his intentions. But she's much calmer when it comes to be taught by Ezylryb, King Boron, Queen Barran, Strix Struma, Dewlap, and Bubo. Recently, Storm has joined the Weather Interpretation Chaw and the Combat Chaw with her skilled abilities for flying through storms and impressive fighting skills against enemies.
Storm soon looked back at Ezylryb, still feeling insecure about the situation. "But why me? I'm not a Guardian."
"It's because I trust you lass." Ezylryb smiled at her encouragingly. "You, Shard, and Parzival all have strong gizzards that are sworn to protect and defend against the darkness for these owls." Ezylryb smiled at the three young owls. "Your mission is to head towards the Desert of Kuneer is to assist Streak with his rescue mission and learn more about these flecks." His voice soon became warmer. "I know that you will make the Tree proud."
The three young owls nodded and flew off towards their separate hollows. Storm quickly ate and drank her fill and strapped on her silvery battle helmet and training claws. But, before she flew off, she glanced at the dying embers, feeling as if her parents were watching her.
Da. Ma. I'm going to do you proud and restore our family's honor. At that thought, she flew off towards the sea boulder and stood there, looking for Parzival and Shard, and found them in their battle helmets and claws.
"You're ready?" Parzival flew above her head, Shard was flying nearby, watching on determinedly.
She launched herself into the air and caught herself on her wings. She met Parzival's eyes with determined firmness. "Ready."
The three of them launched themselves into the air. Storm was firmly aware of the wind in her feathers. She could taste the salt spray and smell the raw, endless sea pulsing beneath them as they left the Great Tree.
Their journey is about to begin.

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