Prologue/Chapter One: Daughter of a Warrior

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In the ancient Perrok monastery, hidden away from the cycles of strife and conflict, the Glauxian honored the owl god Glaux through study and quiet contemplation.
Since the war against Surtr and his Pure Ones many years ago, the monks have maintained a constant vigil over the land. Forever watching for anything that may threaten their life of peace and tranquility.
It was the job of a young acolyte named Barak to take his place at the lookout post. As Barak kept watched, an unsettling feeling was felt within his gizzard. He could sense something was wrong.
Suddenly, without a warning or sound, the hagsfiends attacked.
The hideous creatures have stormed into the monastery, ruthlessly eliminating every soul in their paths. With the cries of his brethren echoing through the hollows, Barak valiantly tried to save them. But it was too late.
Managing to escape, Barak was plagued with the feelings of guilt and confusion. How could he miss the invaders?
Rumors spread about Barak's negligence with many branding him as a coward and a traitor. Unable to bare the shame, Barak isolated himself from the world, wandering alone for some inner peace.
Finding a second chance in life and a means to move forward from his path, Barak stopped his solitary wandering and settled down to have a family with his mate, Grace.
Unfortunately, this time of joy was to be short lived.
On a faithful and stormy night, a few days after Barak and Grace's firstborn emerged from the egg, a group of vicious owls raided the hollow and the two parents fell before them.
Only the timely arrival of a Guardian chaw prevented the hatchling from sharing the same fate of her parents.
The Guardians swiftly carried the hatchling to the safety of Ga'Hoole tree and affectionately named her Storm... since she was born in the midst of a thunderstorm.
Many moons later, Storm studied hard to become a Guardian herself, but with Barak's legacy, however, have left a stain upon his daughter.
A chance to redeem the family's honor arrived during Storm's final year of training...
When the sun rose from the horizon, the Great Tree has started to come to life. The morning sky is painted in the colors of bright gold and blue. The ocean around the Great Tree shimmers in the morning light.
But within the Great Tree is a great library. It was like stepping into a live dream. There's a large table made of solid wood with an alit lantern, books and scrolls strewn across the top and stacked in piles. The walls were covered with either colorful tapestries and bookshelves that almost reached the ceiling. As one stepped closer into the library, there's more to be seen. Scrolls were everywhere, simply everywhere, but there's also scrolls cubbyholes along the walls and cylinders around the cave. Every corner had a spot to curl up and read in: a few cushioned ledges, cushioned window seats, or arrangement of carpets.
The library was nice and quiet, just the way the female barn owl liked it as she browsed the shelves looking for the latest scrolls and books on the owl kingdoms and the Guardians. She was going down the aisle, browsing the titles for one that might be useful for her next assignment when a title stopped her dead in her tracks.
Not an information book, but a book of adventure, romance, and the always epic battle between good and evil. She pulled the tome from the shelf and rifled through the first few pages. Oh yes, she would be borrowing this one too. She added the book to the pile she had growing at the small desk on the end of the aisle.
The barn owl soon revealed herself by the lantern next to her as she silently read the book of the owl kingdoms by a desk, the window shows the morning sky. The barn owl has sleek and glossy golden-brown feathers, though her striking eyes could shame a pair of deep blue sapphires. The young owl is none other than Storm, the daughter of the late warrior.
"Ah, there you are." Storm rolled her eyes and sighed inwardly at that proud voice coming up behind her and continued reading the last page of her book quietly, trying to ignore him. It belonged to another Guardian trainee. The young owl's name is Parzival. He is a brown Spotted Owl, with confident amber eyes. But ever since he was paired with Storm in a Colliering exercise, the young owl has it out to make Storm's life miserable and likes to boast to her all of the time. "I was looking all over for you."
"Really?" Storm looked up slightly from her book and eyed Parzival warily. "What is it?"
"Ezylryb wants us to light the torches for the Search and Rescue Chaw," said Parzival. "And make sure you bring your training claws too."
Storm nodded understandingly, but she flinched back when she saw Parzival's dirty training claws dripping on the floor and an angry-looking, middle-aged female boreal owl. "You might want to get out of here. Quick."
"Why would I do that?" Parzival's question was soon answered by an angry screech.
"That's why." Storm stepped back fearfully. She jerked her beak towards the librarian, who was practically glowing in her anger, her eyes blazing and looking like a Guardian warrior ready for war.
The other owls in the library shivered, wondering about the sudden drop of temperature and the urge to run and hide. Storm fluttered up to a window seat and prayed to Glaux to not let anyone get involved. They knew exactly what was going to happen and they had no wish to experience it ever again. So, instead of resisting, they helped conceal others behind the adults, clutching their talons to prevent them from moving and revealing their hiding position.
Parzival started to realize his mistake of provoking the librarian. She is a very powerful owl and knows loads of fighting skills that she can use.
Storm felt slightly sympathetic for him, knowing how vicious the librarian could be when she was determined for revenge. "I'm going to go now." Storm quickly escape the library and headed towards her hollow to get her practice battle claws. Her hollow faces the east to see the sunrise and the moonrise.
She headed inside into her hollow and found some fire-lit glass globes strung across the ceiling. Rested on ledges on either side of the door are a pair of orange lanterns.
She has a nest on top of a ledge. Along with a desk that held nothing, but three inkwells (black, royal blue, and purple) and a cloth for wiping the ink off her claws. There's also an unlit basin, shining in the light of the window. A rack of books beside it was neatly labeled, and each scroll is the kind of book that every young owlet should own — history, adventure stories, ancient legends, encyclopedias in every territory, and fantasy stories. Storm soon went into her closet and strapped on her training battle claws.
Storm put them and took off to find Ezylryb. She was joyfully aware of the wind in her feathers. She saw some owls flying with iron baskets full of hot coals and is aware that they are the Fire Deliverers. Storm sighed and gotten to work, unaware that Ezylryb and Shard were both silently watching her. Storm snatched the hot coals and tossed them into the torches without too much trouble. One by one, each of the torches have been set aflame by Storm.
"Storm!" Once she was done, Storm spun around to see Ezylryb and Shard watching her from the boulder. She soon dove down and landed in front of them. "You've done a great job lass. The Search and Rescue Chaw will find those torches no problem." He looked around, looking annoyed and curious. "Where's Parzival, Storm?"
"He's gotten in trouble with the librarian again," replied Storm dryly.
"Oh boy." Ezylryb shook his head with annoyed sympathy. "That lad has to stop provoking her."
"I hope he's alright." Shard sounded concerned. Shard is Parzival's best friend and they always have been since they started training together. Shard is a Great Horned owl, he has a brown facial disk and his brown feathers gleamed with gray and tan streaks, his warm golden eyes gleamed in the light and has a unique brown diamond on his chest. Unlike Parzival, Shard is calm and friendly. He had lost both of his parents to the Pure Ones and was brought to the Great Tree by the Guardians too.
They soon heard the flapping of flags, but Storm recognizes that sound with a twinge of annoyance. It was Parzival. "There you are lad. You really have to choose your battles wisely." Storm bit back a laugh at Parzival's annoyed expression by Ezylryb's advice, while Shard looked at him sympathetically.
A loud, sonorous gong tone rang through the island, jarring the owls, who looked towards the direction of the gong with wide eyes.
"What in Glaux—"
The gong continued to ring. However, that wasn't what unnerved the small team. It wasn't the dinner gong meant for the trainees, or even the celebratory gong that announced a marriage or a similar event. No. This gong was...
"Something's happening." Ezylryb suddenly appeared next to Storm, his brow creased as he listened to the gong chime lowly. "That's the gathering gong. We have to go."
"Look!" The three owls looked down from the boulder and saw the Search and Rescue Chaw (King Boron and Queen Barran) with a small band of owls. Storm narrowed her eyes, feeling confused by the sight. "Who are they?"
Ezylryb fixed his green gaze on the young barn owl, whose feathers is golden-brown too and looked at the Great Tree with amazed, but brave and kind amber eyes around him. "I don't know. But they all have strong gizzards."
"Maybe we could meet them," said Parzival.
Storm threw Parzival an exaggerated look. "Be patient with them! They just arrived. And by the looks of it, they seem pretty exhausted from their travels."
"Okay! Okay!" Parzival stepped a little away from Storm. "Sheesh. We haven't even met them yet and yet you're being like an older sister to them." But they soon heard cawing sounds coming towards the Great Tree. "What in Glaux?"
"Crows!" Storm cried out, she clenched the rocky ground angrily with her talons.
"Storm, there's a change in plans," said Ezylryb, sounding surprisingly calm. "I need you to head out and take care of these crows. Parzival will accompany you in case you need any help and Shard will help protect the owlets."
Storm felt a little unenthusiastic about being partnered up with him again. "Me and him? Partners?"
"There's no time to complain about who is your wingmen is," Ezylryb said firmly.
"Fine." Storm unfolded her wings and launched herself into the air, catching herself on the wings.
"You better be ready for this." Parzival unfolded his wings and flew after Storm.
At that, Storm swooped down and took down a pair of crows with the slashing of her training claws. She soon countered an attack by catching the crow by the talons and did a barrel roll, whilst tossing the crow towards the pulsing water below them.
"Nicely done." But Parzival was impressed by Storm's fighting talents. But there's about twelve more crows to take down, which concerns Parzival. "Storm, I'm your wingman. I'm willing to help you."
Storm pointed her beak to a crow that was straying too close to the Great Tree and the owls. Parzival swooped down and slashed at the crow, finishing it off quickly. "Don't worry, Storm. I won't let you be stranded in battle."
She widened her eyes in surprise as Parzival's genuine words. But she felt touched by his words as they both defended the Great Tree together.
They both continued fighting against the crows, it wasn't long till the crow flock started to become lower on numbers. Storm swooped down and took down a pair of crows as well as countering attacks from the crows.
But Storm have suddenly heard a cry of pain from Parzival overhead. Storm was stunned at the sight of the crow, it was huger than the rest. But she shook off her fear and flew up to join Parzival. She brought out her claws and took care of the crow for Parzival.
After Storm saved Parzival's life, they both watched as the flock of crows started flying back the way they first came.
"You did better than I thought," Parzival complimented Storm.
"Thanks?" Storm was surprised by his compliment to her. It's considered a little rare for Parzival to praise anyone. But if he did, it means he respects them... as a friend.

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