Give A Little Hell

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Chapter 1

The noise, it kept on ticking every second, and each second it ticked I couldn’t even sleep. My dad kept me up all night with his football madness, every time they scored a touch down, he screamed ‘GO GO GO’ at the top of his lungs. It was so excruciating, I was still surprise to find out that my dad still had his voice, I thought from all the screaming he made he would have lost it. Again the ticking noise started, I looked up at the school clock showing that it’s almost time to leave school. I slowly started to drift back into darkness when I heard my name called.

“Renny, Renny”, I looked up to see my sex god of a teacher, he was good looking and single, and he was also m type too.

“Yes sir”, I spoke up.

“I would advise you to not sleep in my class right now”, but as soon as he said that, the bell rang signaling that school was over for the day.

Everyone stood up from there seats getting ready to go, I also stood up picking up my books and placing them inside my book bag, I strapped it over my shoulders getting ready to head out, but my teacher stop me.

“If this happens again, you’ll definitely have a detention, do you understand that Renny”, he said.

I wasn’t listening to anything he was saying, all I cared about was to go home, eat some food dad got last night, and leave this god forsaking place.

“Renny”, he yelled.

He was up close to me that I could smell his after shave, and his misty breath that was brushing against my nose as I look up to him.

“I understand”, I said looking down at his shinny black shoes.

Those must have been new, it was the first time I saw him wore it, so it must be.

“Good, you may go now if you like”, he said turning around setting back down in his desk.

I left the class without another word, I walked out of the busy crowd as I turned the street corner, and everything was now quiet just how I like it too. I skipped rocks as I walked down the lonely street, I wasn’t sad at all I felt happy. I stopped in front of my red and blue two story house, it looked very small, but inside was big. I walked up the board step taking my time, making sure not to fall. As I reached the door I pulled out my key and opened the door. I kicked of my blue and white Jordan’s walking inside the kitchen pulling out a bottle of lemonade, I sighed deeply as I jumped on the counter, not bothering to take out a cup, I just took the lemonade as it is. As soon as I was finished with it I placed the lemonade back inside the refrigerator. I ran up the stairs inside my room, as soon as I reached inside I climbed on my laptop chair and sat inside turning on my blue laptop. I pulled up the internet getting ready to pull up my song that I put on every day I come home from school. Once I was done with that, I went on my usual website, talking to everyone around the world until I fall asleep. Suddenly I felt someone shaking my arm, I couldn’t move at all, all I could do was just stay still, I heard muffled voices in the background but I couldn’t make it out clearly. I just wanted to sleep, but of course someone had to wake me up, finally my brain decided to flutter my eyes open making the light in the room hurt my eyes badly.

“What do you want”, I groaned loudly, while tossing to the other side of the bed bringing my pillow over my head, blocking all the noise that was coming from my dad.

“I need you downstairs”, he said while pulling both of my ankles, trudging me off my own bed.

I knew that it wasn’t really that important to send me down stairs for something, maybe he needed me to unload a bag of groceries from the store. Or maybe grandma is here and he wanted me to greet her, but still if it was that important he wouldn’t try to pull me out of bed when I’m sleeping.

“Dad, would you please stop, can you wait, give me sixteen more hours and I’ll be down there”, I said, while pulling my ankles out of his grasp.

“Renny, please for me pretty please”, he begged.

At this point I knew my father had put on his baby face, he was the only man I knew that could pull it off so easily, and still, he could get what he wants.  

“Renny”, he said my name again, “I know you could hear me, Renn please pretty please, I’ll give you a hundred.”

As soon as I heard that money was involve in it, I immediately lifted my head up making my pillow fall on the floor with a soft thud.

“I’ll be there in a sec’”, I said while dashing across the hall to freshen up.

I heard my dad voice through the thin door, “Thanks Renny, your delivery is in your shoe”, and then I heard his soft footsteps thudding down stairs.

I chuckled softly, the special stash I told my dad about, but that wasn’t the only favorite stash I had too, but if he knew he wouldn’t believe how many money I had right now.

As soon as I was finished  I went down stairs where my dad told me to go, first I went inside the kitchen where I thought he’ll be, but he wasn’t there. So I went inside the living room, then I saw them, together.

The image was very repugnant, seeing them together, I felt like I was going to pass out, and that was exactly what I did too.

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