The Blind Mate: Back To Japan

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Here's the first chapter.....
Tyra is named after a case worker who I truly cared for growing up, who was my best friend.

My name is Tyra, and I am thirty years old, and the adopted cousin of Kagome Higurashi, and I'm legally blind.
And how I became blind was due to bullying in school, bad bullying in America.
You know the country that has warnings not to visit in European countries including Japan and South Korea for it's gun violence and neo Nazis strutting around like they own the country, yeah that America.
The America where I'm called an abomination just for being blind and autistic, as well as being part of the LGBTQIA community for being asexual.
Where people like me are losing their damn rights for being part of the LGBTQIA community, yep that fascist country called America.
And also where books are being banned too like 1930's Germany, that fascist America.
Well, my mother thought it best if I move back to Japan where my father grew up, my father who died of a massive heart attack when I was six.
My father is related to Kagome's Mom, her brother actually, who was a reporter, and travelled overseas alot, but eventually he met my Mom, then decided to take residency in America, getting citizenship, and settled down with my Mom, and was a reporter for my Mom's hometown.

My accident happened after my Dad died, and Mom often swore if he was alive, the school would be digging their own grave in lawsuits.
But what can I expect since my Mom survived solely off my Dad's retirement funds he saved up for himself, which was in the thousands to maybe millions of dollars.
Because of his job he made tons of money.

But now my Mom works as a writer for a newspaper online, go figure, her doing reporter content like my Dad.
Me; well being kinda blind limits you, so I don't have a job, and I was now moving back to Japan, and I'm supposed to stay with Kagome and her family, until I get on my feet so to speak.
I just hope I can find a job that can handle me being blind.

But finding a cab to drive me was hard, but I did, me paying the driver ahead of time, and eventually I made it to Kagome's temple home, well parking across the street from the long steps, is what the driver told me.

I took my bags myself, me walking up the steps carefully, feeling each step with my boots I wore, my boots that don't have heels by the way, cause with heels it's hard to feel the ground, and I eventually made it to the top, and onto the grounds of Kagome's shrine home, and I heard Gramps exclaim.
I heard him walk up to me, then took my hand in his.

I smile, saying.
"Gramps, how are you?"

"I am doing great.
Let's guide you inside."
Gramps says, him walking slowly to guide me up to the house.

"Cousin Tyra!"
I heard Sota exclaim.

I felt my bag taken by someone.
"I'll take your bags cousin!"
Sota says to me and I let him do so.

"It has been awhile Tyra."
I heard Auntie say to me, who is Kagome's Mom.

"Hello Auntie."
I tell her as I was guided into the living room, and I slowly sat down on my rear.

"Kagome should be home soon."
Gramps tells me.
"And about Kagome, things have changed a bit.
She has her duties in the Feudal Era."

"Feudal Era?"
I ask him.

"Is it wise to tell her?"
Auntie asked Gramps.

"Yes, she's family and should know."
Gramps says to Auntie.
"Thing is Tyra, Kagome goes to the past in the Feudal Era, her fighting monsters to gather the Shikon No Tama jewel shards.
She is very important to that era, so she misses school because of it, but keep it secret."

"The stories you told me were true then?"
I ask him.

"Indeed they are."
Gramps says to me.

"Hey, where's Kagome!"
I perk up at the male voice, and I smelled something that seemed a canine smell.

The Blind Mate {Sesshomaru Love Story {18+}Where stories live. Discover now