Untapped Potential

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"You met a dragon?" said Wildwing.

"Yeah," Dylan replied.

"It gave you powers?"


"They took over and helped you put the fire out?"


Wildwing sounded rather assertive, which made Dylan nervous. He wasn't sure why his uncle was being this way, for he hadn't really done anything wrong...except exposing his newfound powers to the Woodchuck troop. That wasn't entirely his fault, however; he had only just gotten those powers. Just as well, something inside Dylan had taken over, and made him do it....That's at least how he liked to see it. Part of him had been doing it consciously, to save the camp and the troop. But Dylan saw that as no excuse.

Dylan was scared of the punishment Wildwing was going to give him as his head hung....And perhaps his fears were irrational; Wildwing softly smirked.

"That's my boy!" he said proudly, hugging Dylan.

Dylan was rather shocked, not having expected this response at all.

"I...wha?" was all he could say.

"You saved the people around you," said Wildwing, "even when you didn't even know what to do or what you were doing! You were a little scared of it, but you did it anyway! That is Featherbeak bravery at its finest! I knew you were one of us, just like your mother!"

Wildwing chuckled as he gave Dylan a bit of a squeeze. Dylan began to chuckle as well, and he wasn't even sure why. He always thought his uncle's laughter was contagious, and he loved it. Frida popped out of bed and jumped to hug Dylan and Wildwing as well, giggling with them. Once they all calmed down, they all leaned back on the couch in the living room. Dylan put his arm around his uncle, touched by his words.

"Thanks Uncle Wildwing," he said softly.

Wildwing put his arm around Dylan in return.

"Hey, like a lot of it kiddo," he said, "it runs in the family."

Dylan playfully rolled his eyes at that remark, smiling. At that, Wildwing pulled Dylan into a headlock and ruffled his hair feathers, making him giggle. Frida stifled laughs as Wildwing made a mess of Dylan's already messy hair. Soon enough, they stopped and calmed down, arms still around each other.

"You laugh just like your mother," Wildwing told Dylan reminiscently.

Normally, Dylan would have felt sad at the mention of his mother. This time, he softly smiled.

"Was she idiotically heroic too?" he asked jokingly.

Wildwing let out a few chuckles.

"Neither of you are 'idiotically' heroic, but, yes," he said genuinely.

The three sat on the couch, looking into the empty fireplace. Wildwing turned to look out the window. It had gotten quite late, and Frida needed to get back in bed.

"Alright kiddos," said Wildwing. "Bedtime."

"Good," Dylan breathed. "Dragon powers are a workout!"

"Aw, not yet!" Frida whined, but she looked pretty tired.

"Oh Frida," Wildwing said as he picked her up off the couch.

The three went upstairs to Dylan's room, where Wildwing gently placed an already snoring Frida in her little cat bed. Dylan changed out of his Woodchuck uniform (which now needed a few repairs), into his pajamas, and got into bed. He still had a few burn marks and bruises, but Wildwing had said they would take care of those tomorrow. Dylan slipped his glasses off, and set them folded on the bedside table. Wildwing plugged the nightlight in, then gave Dylan a kiss on the forehead.

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