𝟭 - 𝘼𝙣 𝙚𝙭𝙚𝙘𝙪𝙩𝙞𝙫𝙚

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Creak, thud, slam.

"Nice of you to finally join us, world champ." Spat the boy whos face was full of piercings. His tone bitter and voice filled with venom as he spared one look towards the girl who entered the room referring to her with what she did in the past.

Y/n Y/l/n. The proclaimed 'world champ' by Niragi. He wasn't wrong, Y/n was a world champion. Three time world champion in fact. But what was less impressive about it was that it was in chess. While to her and many more chess players it was definetly something, to a man with no intelligence like Niragi it was just 'nerds being even bigger nerds'. His words exact.

But of course her knowledge almost immediately moved her up to an executive, as she was personally skilled in all the types of the game. While she wouldn't really excel in a spades game the way Aguni could, she could easily win against all the executives in a hearts or diamonds game. Since clubs was mostly about teamwork she couldn't really show off her skill on her own but she could play as a good leader in the game.

"Well, unlike you Niragi, some of us actually have things to do. Not just walk around scaring people with a gun." Spoke the girl, words rolling off her tounge so carelessly despite the boy having a rifle in his hand.

"Let's just start todays meeting." Interrupted another man who sat at the head of the table, the girl taking a seat a few chairs away. His greasy hair was pushed out of his face as he raised his sun glasses to rest on his forehead.

"No! I get yelled at for coming two minutes late meanwhile this bitch-" Started Niragi before immediately being cut off by the girl sitting across from him.

"Watch it."

"What? What you think that I am scared of you? You're just a bitch." The man child kept on pissed. Niragi was never a polite or quiet man but for some reason today he decided to be extra annoying so Y/n decided to shut him up.

"And you're just sad, Niragi. Seriously, how full of yourself can you be? You're pretentious demeanor just makes people want to punch you in the face more. But of course no one is born this way are they? Niragi I could read you like an open book anyday. You were bullied in the so called 'real' world weren't you? Yeah you were. So you decided to not let that happen again by becoming the most feared and overall worst human being. Your parents didn't love you did they? You probably didn't have any friends to protect you or help you stand up for yourself either so of course you were an easy target to bully. They abused you verbally and physically right?-"

Before Y/n could even finish her reading on the infamous Niragi, a bullet flew right past her head and into the wall, slightly grazing her earlobe. And even then the girl kept the cold expressionless gaze on him, completely unfazed by the bullet that flew past her.

"Next one goes between your eyes." His voice spoke out yet again full of venom as he moved the rifle from beside her to be pointed right at her from across the table.

The girl leaned forward, pressing her forehead against the gun that still burned from the recent shot fired. "You wouldn't... Dare."

"ENOUGH!" Yelled out the voice of the man sitting at front. "BOTH OF YOU!" Y/n looked back at him unimpressed before leaning back into her chair, her head still held up high and proud. She wouldn't drop it for the world. "Now please. We have more important issues to discuss rather than fighting on who's more late."

Hatter. What a weird man. But nontheless he was number one, leader of The beach so whatever he says, goes. With his executives he built this utopia in the Borderlands. Like a safe place only full of sex, drugs and alcohol. Hatter always seemed like a colonizer to Y/n and in a way, he was with his only swimsuit wearing colony ready to follow him and do as he says.

Then of course we had the executives. Y/n didn't have any respect for any of them, only exception being her good friend Ann who helped her with her ever so inconvinient fear. You see, Y/n had hemophobia. The fear of blood. She was disgusted by it everytime she would see it and the feeling of nauisa and wanting to spill her guts out everywhere would take over her. That's why it was so tough to have to be in the Borderlands, having to deal with so much dying and blood to survive was horrible.

While Hatter chatted away about getting all the cards, Y/n took another glance around the table. Everybody in their usual seats, nothing was really standing out until her eyes landed on a pair of anothers cat like ones.

Chishiya. As much as Y/n knew, he was a diamonds player, skilled definetly but in a game like clubs, he'd most likely crumble. She had a bit of respect for him, losing it more and more at every annoying yet witty remark he made everytime he spoke. What was surprising to her, was how his gaze didn't move, even when being caught staring at the girl.

The boy just lightly smirked and nodded at her before moving his eyes back to Hatter. 'Was that supposed to be a hello?' Thought Y/n unimpressed as she started to finally listen in on what was being said by the man of greasy hair himself.

Cards, cards, cards. That's all she heard come out of his mouth. Did the man seriously not think about anything else? Did he not care for anything else? Well one thing was for sure, this so called 'Utopia' wasn't really that much of a utopia after all.


First chapter! Hope yall enjoyed and don't forget to vote!<3

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