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The two men finished their cigarettes. Lightly stepping them out with their shoes.

Kurt's eyes observing the bassist's facial expression. Noticing the numbness expressing in Krist's hazel eyes.

"We can talk about it.." Kurt offered but Krist got up suddenly. He shakes his head.

"No. Kurt. For the billionth time – no. Time will fix everything. I'll be fine." Krist denied. But in reality he did want to say to Kurt on how he feels.

But he is much too afraid.
Afraid what the blond would think..

"Well, look at me. Time hasn't fixed me." Kurt sneered back as he laid his head on his knees.

Looking at the little raindrops hitting the small puddles on the ground. Krist felt a weight hit his heart again.

A ache of guilt. He forced a smile on his face, rather than answering Kurt's snarky attitude – he scooped the smaller blond in his arms.

"Hey! Put me down!" Kurt exclaimed as he started to wiggle and squirm. But to no prevail of escaping the tallness of the bassist and strength of arms.

"Nahh. I'm carrying you." Krist started to smile as he carried Kurt up the porch steps. Hearing the blond bicker, whine, and complain.

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