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"yeah.. friends." Krist muttered in reply after a period of complete silence.

Kurt awkwardly laughed as he eyed down towards the floor.  Krist felt a heavy feeling in his chest.

It was silent for a moment before Kurt lifted up his head. He laid it back onto Krist's shoulder.

"Wanna smoke a cigarette? Ease your mind?" Kurt offered. Krist nods his head slowly. He agreed to what Kurt is offering.

"Yeah, let's smoke outside though. I need fresh air." Krist replied as he gets up from where he was seated.

Kurt follows up and stood. He hugged Krist's arm as he muttered the question, "Do you have a pack in your pocket? Lighter?"

Krist nods. "Ouh, yeah. Been chain-smoking before I came back home." He replied and scratched the back of his darken haired head.

"How much have you've smoked?" Kurt asks as he opened the door for Krist.

Krist exits first as Kurt soon follows. Shutting the door behind himself. The two men take a seat at the porch.

"There's only two left in here.." Krist trailed off as he takes out the pack. Flicking open the small lid and holding it over for Kurt.

Kurt takes one of them out as he takes out a lighter from his back pocket. Lighting up his own cigarette as Krist does the same.

"Jeez, something has been on your mind then. Huh?" Kurt asks as he blows out the smoke.

"You got the right..shit." Krist muttered as he brought his cigarette to his lips and takes a drag from it.

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