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The wooden front door slammed shut once Krist entered the home. Startling Kurt that is seated on the couch.

His head lifted up to look at the brunet. "You ok?" Kurt muttered as Krist walked into the kitchen.

"Yeah! Better than ever!" Krist shouted sarcastically. Kurt furrowed his eyebrows as he gets up.

He walked over to the kitchen and peaked inside. Seeing Krist sitting at the kitchen table and holding his head in his hands.

A small sigh escapes out of Kurt's lips as he walks himself over. He sets a hand onto Krist's back. "Hey." He whispered.

Krist slowly turned his head. Tears are stained onto the bassist's face as he is looking at the frontman. His hazel eyes completely glossed with the tears.

"You're crying?!" Kurt exclaimed in shock as he held Krist's face in his hands. "Why are you crying! Who hurt you?!"

Kurt gave the look of protection in his eyes now. Krist lightly chuckled. Finding this adorable.

"Nobody. Just a simple break up. That's all." Krist responded. Kurt lightly gasped. "Shelli broke up with you?!"

"...Somewhat. More as, I broke up with her."  Krist responded, sadly. Kurt tilted his head. "Why..? You two were cute together."

Suddenly Krist lowered his head. "I can't tell you right now!" He raised his voice a bit.

Kurt nodded as he ruffled Krist's hair. "Ok, you don't have to tell me exactly right now.. but was it least mutual?"

The bassist nods his head. "yes. She lost feelings for me and i...well, mines a little different than her reason."

Kurt rests his head on top of the bassist's. "Aww. I'm sorry that happened. Tell you what, I'll comfort you through this."

"Oh Kurt you dont–" Krist got interupted by Kurt huffing and saying, "Yes! I! Am! So, deal with my nonsense of an existence."

"I love your nonsense of existence. Because it's not nonsense. I'm glad you exist." Krist replied as he eyed up lovingly at the blond. Whom's head is resting on top of his.

"Hm. Well I'm glad you exist too." Kurt replied, eyeing back down at the brunet with a smile.

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