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Billie stood far behind Bonnie, listening to her crying at the foot of the Christmas tree she'd spent all day decorating. Kate wouldn't be able to hold the spell very long, but Billie needed a moment before she reunited with her friend.

She tried to imagine her face, but it was hard to picture her smile when the sounds of her sobs were so prevalent to her sensitive ears. Billie stood there for another few minutes, before she heard the voice in her head.

You have ten minutes.

"Damn it." Billie cursed quietly. Ten minutes was nothing, but it would be enough to tell Bonnie all she needed to know to get herself out.

Taking a sharp breath to boost her confidence, Billie stalked forward quietly. When she stood a few steps behind Bonnie, she finally spoke. "You're not supposed to cry on Christmas, Banana."

Bonnie froze, her crying stopped instantly. Billie shed her sunglasses, and racked them up on top of her head. "Am I hallucinating?" She finally replied.

Billie smiled sadly, the scent of salty tears poignant in the air. "No Bon, I'm really here. I made you a promise, didn't I?" She'd hardly registered the sound of running footsteps when Bonnie crashed into her with a bone-crushing hug. They stumbled a few steps until Billie regained her balance and wrapped her arms around her best friend. She let out a tinkling laugh, sighing in relief. "I missed you, Banana."

Eight minutes.

Pulling her away to arm's length, Billie smiled brightly. "I don't have a lot of time to explain-" Bonnie gasped quietly. "Oh my God, Billie what happened to your eyes?" Billie laughed giddily, just glad to be with Bonnie again. She quickly waved off the question. "That's a really long story, I'll tell you another time, but right now, I've gotta explain how you're gonna bust yourself out of this prison."

Bonnie blew out an amazed breath. "You're kidding." Billie shook her head, pearly grin never wavering. "Serious as a heart attack. You feeling up for it, or do you wanna cry under the tree for another couple minutes, I think we've got the time?"

Bonnie punched her shoulder lightly, prompting Billie to begin her explanation. She instructed Bonnie to go to Nova Scotia and retrieve a magical headstone. Billie didn't understand most of the procedure she relayed to Bonnie, it had been a construct of her clairvoyance, she was only passing the message along. Thankfully, the witch seemed to understand her intentions immediately and judging by her reaction, she thought it would work just as much as Billie did.

One minute.

"I have to go very soon, Bon. But I know that you'll be able to do this." Billie squeezed her hands comfortingly while she spoke. Bonnie couldn't keep the smile off her face. "It's a pretty good plan, I can't believe I didn't come up with it sooner."

Billie laughed, imbued with helpless enthusiasm. "You were stuck here with Damon for four months, I don't blame you for your shortened intellect." Bonnie fervently pulled her in for another embrace, holding on tight to the only other person in her world. "You're still not gonna explain those eyes?" She questioned one last time.

Billie shook her head, neither of them bothering to let go of the other. "No time, Banana. I'm sure someone will fill you in on the flip side." Bonnie pulled away with a deep frown. "Not you? Where are you gonna go?"

The clairvoyant placed her sunglasses back over her milky whites. "On a much needed vacation. I promised I would get you out, and now that I've fulfilled that promise, I need an extended leave of absence." Bonnie frowned. "And there's no way I can convince you to stay?" "Not if I can't convince you to come with me?" She phrased it as an invitation and Bonnie fell quiet. Billie knew that would be her answer, and didn't let herself feel disappointed.

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