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"Shouldn't you be in the hospital?"

Billie jumped in surprise, wheeling in her seat to face the unexpected voice. "Enzo, you're too light on your feet! I should hang a bell around your neck." She chastised lightly, rubbing her shoulder subconsciously at the reminder that she was much more vulnerable than she liked as long as she wasn't paying attention.

Enzo smiled at her and nodded, even if she couldn't see it. "Apologies." He started, approaching her table and casting a surveying eye around the outdoor café. "You should be in hospital." He repeated his first statement but without the question.

Billie rolled her white eyes behind the sunglasses. "Lorenzo, I'm blind, not invalid. I can still hold my own if needed." She sensed the air moving as he put his hands up in surrender. "Alright, alright, don't get defensive." Billie picked her cup back up from the table and sipped at her tea. "How did you know where I was anyway?"

Enzo sighed, like he was preparing himself to tell a long story, but thought better of it. "Well it wasn't easy to find you, I'll say that. From what I've heard, you have a tendency to slip away with none the wiser. Ah, I won't bore you with the details. How was 'Friendsgiving'?"

The brunette laughed, and cupped her tea with both hands, letting the warmth spread through them. "Oh, it was... eventful! Someone almost died, Elena broke up with her boyfriend, Caroline made up with Stefan, you would have loved it. Now, it's always a pleasure Enzo, you know that, but," Enzo raised a brow. "But?"

Billie hummed in affirmation. "But, you're gonna have to get going, I have a meeting planned and you'll spoil the fun." She sipped her hot drink graciously.

"A meeting?" He echoed in surprise. "Mhm." Billie confirmed absently. "With who?"

Billie smiled and put down her cup, crossing her hands in her lap. "Now, sweetheart that's not your business." She reached across the table and held her hand out, shortly feeling him take it in his own. "Besides, you should be pleased that I'm up and recovered. So stop being nosy and skidaddle."

She smiled sweetly and withdrew her hand to first shoo him away and then grasp her drink again. Enzo sighed and Billie heard his chair scraping lightly against the floor as he stood. "Almost forgot about how bossy you can be."

Billie chuckled airily. "Always happy to remind you."

She listened intently to his retreating footsteps, but like she'd expected, he didn't leave entirely. He kept his distance, approximately a hundred yards, she wasn't sure, but she could feel his eyes on her as she enjoyed her drink.

Ten minutes passed until Billie felt someone else approaching. She knew it was the witch that agreed to meet with her because of the frantic beating of her heart and the hesitance in her step. Her suspicions were quickly confirmed.

She's here.

"Kate, was it?" Billie called out, not looking directly at the witch, but having her head to the side to better gauge her movements. "Y-yes, yeah, that's me. Kate." She sounded incredibly skittish, and her heart seemed to hammer faster the closer she got. Billie cleared her throat, the sound was actually making her a bit hungry.

"There's no need to be so nervous Kate, I don't bite." Billie smiled toothily, finding herself quite funny. When Kate's heart picked up again, she eased up on the teasing and gestured in front of her. "Have a seat, honey. I'm not gonna hurt you. Not that I could, you're a witch. Don't forget yourself!" The encouragement slipped out before she could help herself, but she found herself grinning reassuringly for Kate's sake. From where he sat far away, Billie heard Enzo lean forward in interest. Of course he was listening.

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