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Her hair whipped lazily around her sharpened features, the soft wind cooling away the warm sun.

The car she'd affectionately named Arnold didn't have a comfortable bonnet to sit on and the view before her wasn't riveting by any means, interesting nor particularly awe-striking. It was the feeling it gave her, deep in her bones that had her sitting there for the last hour and a half, staring resolutely at the road into a town by the name of Mystic Falls.

The signpost marking entry stood to her right, mocking her with its proximity. It had been a while since the Travellers had eradicated witch magic in Mystic Falls and her friends still hadn't managed to find any supernatural undo button yet, so she assumed they never would.

Georgie lived there. Billie hadn't seen her in years. By now, she'd have her presitgious white coat and coveted title. She'd have everything she'd worked so many years to get, but as far as Billie knew, she was enjoying it alone.

She wanted to be there, to celebrate with her and apologise for everything that had ever gone wrong in their shared time together, but as long as she was still a vampire, Georgie would never see her again.

And maybe that was for the best.

Billie was so engrossed in her thoughts, that she didn't pay attention at all when a car pulled up behind hers, thinking it was just another one passing by.

She only looked over when she felt Arnold dip slightly from the weight of another person sitting beside her, finding Stefan with his tiny smile facing the same way she had been.

"I would take you to Bed, Bath and Beyond, smash some plates with you, but somehow I don't think that'll help so much this time." His words had her turning back to look down the road again, a simper growing over her lips.

"Wouldn't hurt to try though, would it." She shrugged a little. A sideward glance went his way and Billie tried to cautiously approach the subject now on her mind. "So what's the deal with you and Care?"

His lips pursed so lightly that Billie almost missed it. "There is no deal."

A mighty scoff was instinctively pulled out of her throat. "Didn't look that way to me. You don't drive to Savannah Georgia for just anyone." She said Savannah Georgia so flippantly it could have been seen as more of an insult than a place name.

"You did!" He fired back with the barest laugh.

Her hands went up in defence. "What, you thought I would trust some random strange mechanic to fix up my new baby? It was an executive decision with Arnold's best interests in mind, don't look too much into it." By the end of her declaration it was clear she was messing with him and the smile widened a little further over his face.

"Look," She went straight into it, adopting a more sincere tone. "All I'm sayin', is that maybe it wouldn't be such a good idea to forget all about Mystic Falls. Maybe some stuff you can forget, like the coffee. Coffee there was trash, I'll allow you to forget that."

Billie looked to the side, pulling up a hand to rest on his black, leather jacket clad shoulder. "But, I will never, never ever, never... let you forget us."

Stefan took a second before nodding affirmatively, the smile half faded, but still there. "That was your long winded way of saying I should talk to Caroline."

She nodded instantly. "Yeah, you should talk to Caroline."

The two fell into a brief silence, in which Billie dropped her hand from his shoulder, the moment now having passed and her thoughts drifting back to a certain blonde doctor across the town border.

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