"Where's Rumplestiltskin!?" ~ Chapter Fifthteen

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I ate, paid and got out of there. The lasagna was great, overpriced but deliciously creamy. I simply didn't feel like talking to Ruby anymore. I didn't feel like letting her in on what was running through my mind. No- I wanted to keep that to myself. At least for now...


Time skip so it doesn't get repetitive 😙


"Aura! Hey!" Emma calls in a panic.

"What's wrong!?" I rush over the street to her.

"It's Henry! He ate some apple pie that the Mayor gave me and dropped to the floor. I don't know what to do, he isn't responding but he is breathing it's like..." she paused, "it's kind of like..." she throws her arms around in a panic, unable to think of the right word.

"- like he's asleep?" I finish her sentence and she nods with visible worry. I hold back a smile, I would look psychotic to smile at such a time if I didn't know that he was going to be okay but, of course, it was the sleeping curse. Broken by true loves kiss. This could make it easier to get Emma to believe and, if she did, she would be able to wake her darling son. Oh Regina, you're curse to stop me has only aided my mission.

I nod, running to the door and letting myself in before rushing up to Mary Margaret's place, again- letting myself in. I take Henry out of Mary's arms, nodded to her in gratitude before rushing him to the hospital. We went in Emma's yellow bug but I made sure to drive after gently putting Henry across the back seats as she just wasn't in the right state of mind to be driving.


Not long later


I had been observing Regina as we stood, looking at Henry motionless in his hospital bed. She was hurt, honestly upset. Then Emma shoved her into the storage cupboard. "IT WAS YOU WASNT IT!?" I hear her shout. I did not want to know what was going on in there! I heard bangs and crashes so decided it was best not to ask either.

It wasn't long after that when Emma was crying over Henry, tears streaming down her face as she gently planted a kiss on his forehead. I suddenly felt uneasy, tripping backwards.

Regina glanced around nervous, fixating her eyes on me with a vicious glare, "Ms Quinn... where is Gold!?" She asks to which I smile.

"Couldn't tell you Queenie," I laugh, Emma glances over her shoulder at us with a look of disgust mixed with hurt before Henry began awakening. She snapped her head back with a smile. Mother and son reunited I smile, looking to Regina.

I left the room, left the hospital and hurried to find Rumple. It was time to reunite father and son as well!

I rushed into the forest, hoping I wasn't to late.

"Rumplestiltskin... wait"

Who's voice was that? I follow it, taking merely seconds to reach them. Rumple was there, holding his cane but not using it although... so was Belle. Where had she been all this time and why was she suddenly back? I watch where I'm stepping as I creep closer, hoping not to be heard.

He slowly turns around as Belle walks towards him, "I-I remember" she smiles, "I love you" her smile grows.

My eyes widen, as if I hadn't expected this exact thing. My writing hadn't reached this far in the story but I wouldn't expect any less.

Rumple smiles back at her, a wide but thin smile with a loving gaze. He pulls her closer, hugging her softly as she wraps her arms around his neck, pulling herself up towards him. "Yes," he speaks softly, "and I-"


I flinch my eyes closed as I realise I just blew my cover. Damn it! Rumple spots me and his smile fades but his eyes are still... loving.

"I lo-... um- I-" he tries to continue, flicking his eyes between Belle and me, she slowly pulls away, looking at him with confusion. He smiles at her, "hey, they'll be time for that, they'll be time for everything," he nods gently, changing the subject which makes me chuckle for some reason, "but first, there's something I must do." He finished his sentence then calls for me to join them. Of course, I do.

We walk in silence up to a well. "What is this?" Belle asks, furrowing her eyebrows. I glance back to her and roll my eyes.

"A very special place, Belle." Rumple calls out form infront which makes me turn to face forwards again. "The powers around the well are said to return that which one has lost." He explains calmly, stopping to allow Belle to catch up. I continue on infront, slowly brushing my hand against the ancient stone of the wishing well.

Rumple struggles up the step, dragging his foot behind him then drops a pink vail into the well.

We wait a moment before a strong wind blows up into our faces. I look to Rumple with a smile and he nods at me with a grin.

Pink smoke comes overflowing out of the stone sides. We all take a step back, watching it flow like water trickling down a stream. "I-I don't understand..." Belle glances up towards Rumple and away from the ever flowing gas.

"We're in the land without magic, Belle and I'm bringing it here. Magic! It's coming... " Rumple announces, smiling up to the sky as the wind continues to blow his shoulder-length hair backwards.

"But why!?" Belle asks, becoming much more aware and serious.

"Why?" I scoff, "magic is power and power is what we all need the most." I roll my eyes, walking up to Rumple, "We will be able to reach your Bae now, Rumple." I smile and his grin becomes softer.

"That we will, dearie." He wraps his arm around my waist, hugging my gently, "I trust you know the way." He rests his chin on the top of my head as a nod softly.

"Of course I do, Rumple." I chuckle, laying my head on him.

Belle looks disgusted at us which only makes me smirk.

He was yet to return the "I love you" and now he was hugging another how he had her- she must be pissed! I chuckle mentally, gently pulling away from Rumple and deciding to plant a caring kiss on his cheek which seems to have caught him off guard.

He stands there, silent as I slither out of his arms with a smile, walking back into the forest, "Are you coming Rumple? Belle?" I smirk at Belle who still looks frustrated. They both follow carefully behind as we all wander into town.

It didn't take long for Rumple to move infront of me leaving Belle and I to follow behind. I assumed that being the leader gave him a greater sense of power and we all know how much the dark one loves power.

I couldn't help but chuckle at the thoughts as they ran through my head which drew the eyes of Rumple. "What's so funny, dearie?" He asks with soft and calm features.

"Nothing, darling- nothing." I smirk. I had never called Rumple "darling" before. Where did that come from!? Suddenly I feel my ears burning but ignore it, trying to come across as confident.

Rumple gives me a confused look and Belle seems to be disgusted or annoyed? Maybe frustrated or jealous? Maybe all at once- I don't know but it didn't matter. We just continued walking until we reached town.

I became nervous as I noticed the people at either side of the road, watching us and glaring at Gold. They all knew now, they remembered how much pain and torture he put them through. I felt uncomfortable to be seen by his side but I wasn't leaving. Why? I wasn't sure. I just couldn't leave him no matter how much I wanted to.


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