Paparazzi ~ Chapter Five

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A/N: This story does not perfectly follow the OUAT storyline however I am trying to keep the main events in order!


I woke up the next morning, getting dressed into some new clothes that I bought when Ruby took me shopping the other weekend.

I am yet to speak with Mary Margaret however I figure that would be a good place to start today.

If I could get magic into this place, I could leave my own story. Or at least, I think that's how it works. I have already tried to write my way out but I'm not seen as part of the story, I had never written myself into it so anything regarding myself wasn't accepted.

Perhaps I could fast forward time a bit but the risks were too great, I couldn't do it.

I left my room, noticing Emma walk down the hallway. "Hey, Aura!" She called out, she seemed tired but kept a grin on her face. How she did it? I could never know.

"Morning, I'm just heading to the school- can't grab breakfast today sadly." I keep walking as I talk, moving towards the stairs and descending to the ground floor.

"Oh- same. Do you have a kid you haven't told me about?" Her tone was humorous but something gave me the idea she was at least half serious.

"No! Of course not! I just want to speak with Mary Margret." I pick up my pace. I loved Emma but I'd much prefer to do this alone.

She stops in her tracks, watching me as I leave her behind


Emma Swan POV


Aurelia has been acting different from when I last saw her at work. I guess a week in hospital can do that to you but she seemed so distant.

We all had our secrets but something about this situation just wasn't sitting right with me. Other than at breakfast she hasn't even spoken to me, hasn't made sure I'm settling in. Nothing!

The Aura I knew would help me in a situation like this but now...

I don't know, maybe I'm being selfish. She experienced a heavy fall before being trapped in a hospital bed for a week then cooped up in this dreadful town.

I sighed, continuing down the stairs and out the reception door.

'Maybe she just needs some space,' I wonder, reassuring myself while still not believing it.


Aurelia Quinn POV (OC)


I walk into the school calmly, getting a curious look from Henry before he flipped through his book pages. I wanted him to know that his imagination didn't make him crazy and that everything his stories taught him were real but the time wasn't right.

'There she is...' I smile as I approach the teacher. She turns slightly, noticing me and smiled softly.

"Are you feeling better? Oh, you must be if you're out of hospital! I am ever so glad for you," her voice is cheery but calming. How Snow White of her?

"I am feeling much better thank you." I nod gratefully, with a smile. "I was wondering if you had met my friend Emma?"

She tilts her head, hesitating for a moment, "No, I don't believe I have," she furrows her eyebrows in apology.

I shake my head, "No worries, I just heard you had a room to spare and I think she'll be staying a while but it truly doesn't matter! Good day." I smile, turning around and walking away from the school passing Emma as she enters.

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