Enjoy! Don't ask just enjoy!


Each day my brother came home with a smile.

At first I was suspicious about it my brother usually never had a smile but after awhile it faded.

The day he stopped having a smile I knew something bad had happened so I did all I could in my willpower to put a smile back on my brother's face.

That pretty much explains how list in hand I was knocking on all my friends doors asking questions.

Every single one of my friends said that I had to go to keefe's.

So here I was.

The door opend and a teary keefe stood before me.

When he saw me he quickly wiped his teas away.

"What's up linh?" He asked in his usually tone but it seemed forced the time.

"Uh.. I have some questions id that's okay with you" I said ignoring the wince that shook of keefe when I said that.

"Sure come in" he said opening the door wider to let me pass.

Inside was the usual demeanor. Chair table couch living room furniture expensive crap the usual.

He lead me to a seat and asked me if I wanted anything to drink or to eat.

"No thanks I already ate" I said.

He nodded then sat on the couch opening a packet of cookies it seemed like.

"E.L fudges" he said noticing my confusing look.

"So what are these questions?" He asked.

"There about Tam" I said simply.

Those 3 words alone made him wince.

"You okay? You cold?" I asked acting like I didn't see him wince like that.

"I'm fine" he mutterd.

I thought I saw a tear roll down his cheek but he quickly wiped it away before I could get a good look.

"1st question did you know what happend to him?" I asked.

Keefe let out a long sigh then nodded.

"Can you tell me?" I asked.

He nodded yet again.

I waited for him to explain.

He got the hint. "So pretty much we had a bet. Well the bet went out of hand and uh... bad things happend things were said that I whish weren't and well that's pretty much what I'm sure lead up to Tam's frown" he said looking anywhere but me.

"Well what was this bet?" I asked sweetly.

He flinched. "Um.. well whoever could make 2 certain people fall in love would win a yes day or week I guess" he replied.

"What was your quest?" I asked.

"Um...." be rubbed the back of his neck nervously "my goal was to bring... uh" he seemed really nervous saying it.

"Okay so there was this bet like I said and like I said we had to bring 2 people together. Tam's job was to bring Maruca and someone named Maria together and my job was to bring you and Biana together" he said.

My heart slid to a stop. It felt like an invisible hand was squeezing my stomach so hard I could barely breath.

"Me and b-biana?" I asked.

He nodded shyly.

I burst out laughing.

"You really thought I liked biana?" I said in-between giggles.

He nodded again perplexed.

"Biana already told me she liked me in the past and then said she liked someone else who I have zero clue and I told her that I didn't like her for that long either" I explained.

His perplexed faced softened until he was also laughing.

"Ha I guess that means Tam wins" he said softly.

"Well what were these conflicts with you and tam?" I asked wondering what to ask next.

"Well right before the deadline he told me a little secret" he said "well I guess it was pretty big" he added.

"What was it?" I asked.

"He liked me and by like I mean like like and alot" he said looking down and fidgeting with his fingers.

"Wait what!!!" I practically screamed jumping up from my chair "what did you do!" I added. If Biana was here she would force keefe to spill everything every single detail but I had no time for that.

"I did nothing I got up and walked away" he said guilty

"Is that why he was so sad and depressed when he came home?" I asked.

"Must be, I didn't know how to process the fact that an arch enemy that I had since we went into hiding liked me. Someone that practically hated me and called me names and insulted me was obsessed with me my brain couldn't handle it so I left i didn't know it was gonna hurt him. I fell like a jerk" he said placing his face in his hands.

"Well maybe you can go over and explain to him why you did that" I said "but the thing is do you like him?" I added.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Like do you like like him back to or not?" I said.

He blushed deeply and turned his head.

"I'll take that as a yes" I said getting up and walking over to him.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"We're gonna go over to my house and your gonna sit your ass down next to my annoying brother and explain why you ditched him your gonna make up and I'll be able to see that stupid smile on my brothers stupid face" I explained grabbing his shoulder and heaving him off the couch.

"There are alot of mixed feelings in that sentence" he said.

"I don't give a shit your gonna apologize to my brother" I said sternly.

"Uh what happend to sweet innocent linh?" He asked.

"Died 7 years ago" was all the awnser he got.

I didn't let him say a word until we were back home.

"Welp good luck" I said pushing him forward when I saw my brother at the gate.

He had a perplexed expression but when he saw keefe that expression turned cold as ice.

"Keefe" he said.

"Tam... hehe" Keefe said nervously.

"Oh brother" I said shaking my head.

This was gonna be bad.

8th chapter over. Now to explain. I decided that I will keep up the stories because I left on a cliffhanger and I don't want to be the same as Shannon messenger. Also comment what you think is gonna happen.

On to the next chapter!

Peace out ✌🏾😁

"A virtual hug a day keeps someone sort of sane"- famous words said by me.

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