

Fine but on one condition" I said.

"What is it?" Keefe asked.

"You don't do anything for the bet for one day" I said.

He seemed to think over this but in the end he had to agree

I smiled for a split second.

Keefe still saw it though.

"Omg! Tammy boy smiled!" He said making a weird noise like a pig getting killed and a squirrel about to hit you and it was trying to warn you.

I rolled my eyes.

He stopped jumping up and down.

"0kay first things first we need a Fitzy boy" he said.

I nodded.

"Than we need a script or message to give him because I don't want to talk to him upfront" he said.

I shook my head.

"Keefe you have to talk to him upfront" I said rolling my eyes.

Keefe whined.

And for like the 3 time this day the doorbell rang.

"I already asked ritzy to come here" Ro said.

"Oh" Keefe said.

He walked over and opend the door.

"So uh..hi?" I heard Fitz say.

"Hi come in" Keefe said.

30 seconds later after asking the question.

"No" was fitz's awnser.

"Oki well thanks and bye" Keefe said heading to the door and opening it.

"I'm not done" Fitz said.

"Wait your not done?" I asked.

"Uh duh" Fitz said rolling his eyes.

I really wanted to punch him.

Ro seemed like she wanted to strangle him.

"I'm just saying that I like someone else" Fitz said.

"Yah okay well we didn't want to know sophie did so go tell her" I said.

Keefe seemed pleased with me.

Fitz grumbled and walked out the door.

"Yeesh" Keefe said "anyway back to the bet!" He added.

I groaned.

2 days later at Foxfire the glowing fungus school.


From what I heard from Biana Tam and Keefe were doing a bet.

That would be the perfect time to prank Keefe once and for all.

At lunch I saw keefe talking to Tam which was really unlikely. Everyone else thought so too.

"Uh.. did we got into a different world were Keefe and Tam get along?" Biana asked.

Everyone shook their heads.

"Than something must have happened" Marella said.

"It's not gonna work like that" I heard Tam say.

"Yes it will" Keefe said back.

I decided to leave them to their weird argument.

"Does anyone know what those two are arguing?" I asked pointing to keefe and tam.

"Nope" my friends awnserd.

I sighed not sure what to do.

Ages later because I'm running out of ideas.

I sorry but I have to end the chapter here. My brain is scattered and feels like all thoughts disaperd.
Anyway enjoy your Vacation or school or whichever one it is.

Ideas here ----->

Peace out ✌🏾

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