Chapter 8 - Setting Sail Again

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I stood staring at the horizon where the Interceptor had now disappeared, if there was only the two of them that means they had to go to Tortuga to get a crew, and that means Gibbs, and if Gibbs was finding a crew he wouldn't get her and that was our advantage. I went back to the poop deck where James, my father and Gillette were all standing around discussing the plan. "I know his next move, send a small group a shore and get them to get everything on a list I'll write up in a minute, and then we sail to Tortuga." Father opened his mouth to interject but I carried on. "Uncle Jack will have to stop there to get a crew, and he will get Gibbs to make him a crew. You've sailed with Gibbs before."

"Yes eight years ago, as I remember, he doesn't like a woman sailing with him. Why is this relevant?" James said nodding.

"Because he wont recruit Nerissa Sparrow, my cousin, Uncle Jack will steer away from her, they are not exactly close, and we will need Nerissa when talking to the Captain of the Pearl." I said looking at them waiting for a response, father looked thoughtful, Gillette looked eager and James was thinking it over. I stood there looking at them until James nodded.

"Alright, providing Elizabeth is still safe." He looked at me and I gave a quick nod.

"Okay then, I need a bit of parchment and a pencil." I said looking at James, he looked at Gillette before leading me to the captain's cabin and dug around for parchment and pencil and hand it to me. I sat down and scribbled down what I needed.

"Are you going to tell me the full plan?" He asked standing by the door waiting for me.

"No, not yet anyway." I mumbled without looking up at him.

"This is my ship Charley, I am giving you the benefit of the doubt but Charley I need to know what me and my men are sailing into." I looked up at him and shook my head.

"Jams, I wish I could, I really do, but I can't just know that I would never send you and your men into too much trouble. Please don't push it James I will tell you when I am able." I said standing up and grabbing the list and trying to get past him but he grabbed my wrist.

"Careful Charley, remember you are a pirate and I will not hesitate to carry out the law. It doesn't matter that you are the daughter of the governor, or my feelings for you. DO YOU UNDERSTAND!" He said looking at me, I gulped and nodded. James let me go and I went to Gillette, he was the only officer I knew and I had a feeling I could trust him.

"Lieutenant, get these things, please don't tell the Commodore." I said Gillette nodded and left and I went to see what they were doing the rudder chain, the sooner we could get underway if not slowly. I asked the steersman and he told me we had to dock to repair it.

"No, we don't." I grinned, we just needed to repair it and all I needed was rope. The steersman didn't look convinced, I smiled and climbed down to the top of the rudder I saw the break in the chain, so I did, I wrapped the rope between the two broken links. "Try turning now!" I yelled up, I heard that order get relayed and then the rudder turn, I kept an eye on my repair and it was holding. I climbed up and jumped back on the deck. "Commodore, the rudder chain will hold until we reach Tortuga where the crew can carry out a more extensive repair." James looked over at me and gave me a tight smile.

"Good, once Lieutenant Gillette gets back we sail." He said walking off. Half an hour later Gillette had returned with my stuff, I stashed it in my quarters which James had generously given to me. I changed into something far more comfortable to sail in. It was a simple white shirt and trousers with a green jacket. I pulled the front pieces of my hair back and pined it out my face, before leaving and going up to where the officers stood over looking the crew. They gave me weird stares but I suppose not many of them had met a female pirate, and those who have seen me before saw me in a dress looking like a proper young lady.

"Trust you to break the laws of society, just like your mother." Father said fondly as I came and stood beside me, I turned to him and smiled.

"Really?" I asked, I did know that my mother didn't conform to societies ways but I still wanted to know more.

"Indeed, Charlotte you and your mother are very similar, you break the rules for those you love. Now let's get your sister home safe." He said grabbing my hand. I smiled at him, it was odd having my father by my side, it didn't feel real, I had dreamed for so long that I would be with my father and now I was.

"Steersman, if you please!" James shouted looking back at me before facing forward and barking more orders. We were off albeit slowly, but we have set sail, off to find the pirates who took my sister, I was on the opposite side and it did feel strange but this side was the side that was going to bring my twin sister home safe. I felt a tingle in the back of my skull and the wind suddenly picked up, my father looked at me but I shook my head, it couldn't have been me, my magic was locked yet I felt the tale tell sign of my magic working, I felt it briefly early but I could have imagined that, I haven't felt it in ten years, and it meant something has changed, all that remained was to see if this was a good change or a bad change.

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